I heard the best illustration last night of how we are like carved pumpkins! The GEMS girls club leader Courtney Kingshott spoke how God specifically chooses us, takes out all of the messiness in our heart, shapes us how he wishes us to be, and then puts us on display for the world to see as his masterpiece. Remember that you are more than a pumpkin; you are a masterpiece for God!
Here are 5 other things you should know!
1. More Time? - Adjust your clock Saturday night for the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. This doesn't get you more time but we "Fall back" one hour! On the other hand, don't adjust your clocks and get to church early so you can participate in the Adult Sunday School! Yea!
2. Events:
Sunday, November 10, Annual Chili Cook-Off - Do you like a little friendly competition? Sign-up for our annual Chili Cook-off. The chilies will be judged by our congregation with categories in white and red chili. The sign-up sheet is at the information booth!!
2. Events:
Sunday, November 10, Annual Chili Cook-Off - Do you like a little friendly competition? Sign-up for our annual Chili Cook-off. The chilies will be judged by our congregation with categories in white and red chili. The sign-up sheet is at the information booth!!
Christmas for LoveINC family - Stay tuned for more details for how you can be involved in making a good Christmas for someone else this year!
P.S. Congrats to Anika E-burg who won the Pumpkin Carving Contest. I am sure that the sight of one pumpkin eating another was the scariest thing ever! Thanks Amie for pulling this all together!
P.S. Congrats to Anika E-burg who won the Pumpkin Carving Contest. I am sure that the sight of one pumpkin eating another was the scariest thing ever! Thanks Amie for pulling this all together!
4. Thanks - I, Pastor Matt, would like to thank you, my Celebration Church family, for all of the love you have lavished on me since arriving in Michigan but especially during this past month. The gifts, kind words, and hugs during Pastor Appreciation Month remind me of how good God and his people have been to me. Thanks so much!
5. Prayers - Here are our prayer requests from Sunday:
- John Grabinski has an abscessed tooth.
- Lori Eaton, friend of Cheryl Ferguson, will undergo Chemo and radiation therapy for breast cancer.
- Tim Bosma's sister Robin Busch. They are starting Chemo and radiation to shrink the cancer in her esophagus before they do surgery to remove it.
- Jessie Ribbens as she recovers from oral surgery to have 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed.
- Prayer of praise for our Celebration family as we grow in Christ and with each other.
- Evan Bluhm, friend of Jessie Ribbens, he is suffering from a concussion.
- Pastor Matt has a pulled calf muscle. (It's tough getting old!)
- Pray for the people in family relationships that are strained or broken.
- Thank you from Ruth Hinojosa for all of your prayers for her mother. She is expected to live 6 months to a year. Please continue to pray for God's grace and blessings and her peace of mind on this journey.
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137
- Thank you from Ruth Hinojosa for all of your prayers for her mother. She is expected to live 6 months to a year. Please continue to pray for God's grace and blessings and her peace of mind on this journey.
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137