This is your second email of the day but there are so many things great happening!
1. Prayers - Continue to seek God's presence during our 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting which kicks off today on the National Day of Prayer. Join us at GVSU tonight for a Prayer Rally at 7:00 PM if you are able.
2. Surgeries - Please be in prayer for upcoming surgeries: Pat Dunning has foot surgery on May 15; Roger Doctor has back surgery soon.
3. Love INC - We are formulating a formal partnership with Love INC. We hope that our efforts combined with them and other churches will further God's plan of peace and healing in Muskegon! Presently they have a few needs that we may be able to help with: As you do your spring cleaning please consider Love INC for your donations to their furniture ministry, baby pantry, and household pantry. They all are at extremely low levels. Contact Kathy Meyer for more info.
4. Sunday - Loneliness and depression are not strangers for some of us. God has a lot to say to all of us who have felt like this at some time in our lives. Invite a friend who needs to hear God speak to them in their dark time about this emotion. (1 Kings 19)
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 571-4137
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