Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Celebration Midweek - Aug. 19

It's easy to do and we've all done it.  It's easy to skip over the prayer requests at the back of the bulletin or the bottom of this email.  Sometimes we actually read them but scan it quickly and get back to whatever we were doing.  The reality is that each prayer request involves a person and/or persons.  This is a serious need for them.  They might be quite happy and hope we celebrate with them.  But they also may be at the end of their rope and need God's help most of all but definitely ours too.

When you read the prayers today or on Sunday, please remember that each line is the heart cry of an actual person.  They matter to God and their request should matter to us too.

1. Noteworthy Events
- TONIGHT, Bowling at Sherman Lanes, 6:30-8:30PM.
- Sunday, Prayer Time, 9:30AM in the prayer room just off the worship center.
- Sunday, Hospitality Team Meeting, Noon.  This includes those involved in info booth helpers, greeters, and coffee team.  All those who would like to be part of the team are welcome too.
- Monday, Pray For Muskegon.  We attached a prayer guide to help.
- Sept. 1, Book Club, We will meet at the Pita Place at 6:30PM to discuss “The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise” by Julia Stewart.
- Sept. 12 - Beth Moore Conference, 10:15AM-5:15PM at First Baptist Church of Muskegon.  Cost is $25 per person.  Contact Becky Fredrickson if you have more questions.

2.  Youth Ministries
Wednesday’s at Calvin Church will begin on Wednesday, September 16th, from 6:30-8:00PM.  We will meet every Wednesday except the 1st Wednesday of the month.  Pizza will again be available for $2 prior to the start of programs.
- High School Youth Group will kick off Sunday, September 13th from 6:00-8:30PM. Dinner is provided. This group meets every Sunday evening.

3.  Sunday
How do you get to the point where you just feel stuck in your life or even in your faith?  Invite a friend as we continue our "Toxic Faith" series and discover how God can and will "unstick" you, in your life and your faith. (John 5:1-15)

4.  Pray For Muskegon - Next Monday is our day to pray for Muskegon and our area.  Commit an hour to bring to God the issues and needs of Muskegon. We've attached a Prayer Guide to give structure to your hour.  Remember: Time spent in God's presence is never a waste!

5. Prayers  
Thank God for:
- The new people he has brought to Celebration over this past year.
- The excitement surrounding our building project
- Genuine relationships that are being built.
- Men that are standing up to follow God’s call and work for his Kingdom.
- God's forgiveness when we doubt his leading in our lives.
- Jackie who found stable housing situation and moved in 2 weeks ago.
- For God's grace that sets people free.

Pray for:
- Patti Lacy's knee surgery on August 14.     Pray that her body will recover well.
- Sharon Bergman's brother David has started dialysis to deal with kidney failure.
- Pray for those who are learning to let God control all of the areas of their life.
- Pray for those who are struggling with forgiving others due to past wrongs against them.
- Pray for our leaders at church that God would make them bold and eager to do his will.
- Those who want to be baptized.  We are thankful for God's work in their lives.
- Pray for Wayne Kittle's uncle Fred who is suffering from Pancreatic Cancer.
-People getting out of prison and their transitions.  May God direct them to true freedom and fruitfulness.
- Those recovering from illness, injury, and medical procedures lately.
- Those getting over abusive relationships.
- Families that are in need of help due to a break up in the home.  Pray for healing of broken hearts and encouragement as they work through disappointments.
- The police officers and law enforcement officials.  Upholding the law is a d
- The continued progress in the building program. It is exciting!
- The homeless in Muskegon.
- Those who are struggling with anxiety issues which "paralyze" them.
- Healing for Pastor Matt’s back.
- Those who have lost loved ones recently.  May God comfort them in their time of grief.
- For Paula Blohm's friend who is having serious problems both at home and at work.
- For those battling addictions and resolving issues in their lives.
- For healing of ex-husbands (and ex-wives) and the pains in the past.
- Be with all of us who seek to break free from hurts and painful experiences in prior days.
- For those struggling financially.
- For Celebration as we assess the next steps for our ministry to our students.
- For wisdom as the Elders talk about the future of our worship ministry.
- All of the unspoken prayers on our hearts that only God knows

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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