Thursday, December 8, 2016

Celebration Midweek - Dec. 8

Quote For The Day:  “To what will you look for help if you will not look to that which is stronger than yourself?”  (C.S. Lewis)

  • SUNDAY - It is time to begin ramping up toward Christmas! In our new Sermon series we will look at 5 famous Christmas songs.  They didn't hit the top 40 countdown but they help us celebrate Christmas! Invite a friend to worship Sunday as we sing: "Songs of Advent."  This Sunday: "Mary: The Song of Faith" (Luke 1:46-56).
  • MITTEN TREE - Take a mitten off the tree in the Worship Center and buy the item listed for our adopted family from LoveINC.  We want to make sure they have a great Christmas!  Gifts need to be brought to church by the 18th.
  • Christmas Cookies Sign Up - Another tradition we have is for families to sign up to bring 2 dozen on Sunday morning for church.  Sign up at the info booth for your week!
  • Advent Devotions Sometimes we need help to focus on the reason we celebrate Christmas.  The busyness of the season overwhelms us.  So, each day of Advent until Christmas we will send out a 2-minute email devotion from John Piper's book "Good News of Great Joy."  We hope this will benefit you and those around you!

Dec. 11, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM
Dec. 11, Celebration Family Meeting after Church
Dec. 14, Student Ministries at Calvin Church on Norton Ave, 6:30PM.
Dec. 18, Fellowship Team Meeting after Church.
Dec. 21, Baby Basics/Women's Bible Study, 10:00/10:30AM.
Dec. 24, Pray for Muskegon, all day!
Dec. 25, Christmas Day Service!

    Image result for prayer quotes
  • Walt Jones' step-dad passed away last week.  Pray for peace and safe travel as they go out for the funeral on the 10th.
  • Ivy Dudgeon asks for prayers for her cousin Sue who will have heart surgery soon.
  • Pray for broken relationships with little chance of reconciliation.
  • Pray for Freddie Rottman and her family at the passing of her husband Jack on Sunday. Visitation will be at the Sytsema Funeral Home on Sherman on Thursday from 4-7PM. The funeral will be at Bethany CRC at 11:00AM on Friday.
  • Pray for those with hurt feelings which has led to unforgiveness in their life.
  • Praise God for Charles Serene's surgery on his leg which went well today.  Pray for healing and patience as he recovers and begins physical therapy soon.
  • Pray for Jill Bennett who continues to deal with some mobility issues..  She suffered a setback from her attack of Transverse Meylitus a few months ago.
  • Pray for strained marriages.
  • Pray for our Snow Birds who have flown south for the winter.  We miss them and hope they are doing well.
  • Praise God for Paula Blohm's friend Carla who received good results from her recent biopsy!
  • Pray for those who are seeking employment that God would place them where they can serve him well.
  • Pray for Walt Jones at the passing of his Step Dad.  He and Marcia will attend the funeral in Illinois this week.
  • Praise God for good resolutions to interpersonal conflicts!
  • Praise God for gifts given to others because of a deep love for God and a desire to bless others as they have been blessed!
  • Pray for the Congregational meeting on Sunday.
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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