Wednesday, November 12, 2014

6 Things To Know This Week

Yesterday was Veteran's Day. It is a day we honor all of our veterans of the armed forces. We thank those who have served and sacrificed. Yet, we also look forward to the day when we will no longer need the armed forces. We yearn for the day when peace covers the earth. God's peace! The peace that breaks down all barriers and rights every wrong. God's peace that exists everywhere that God reigns. And this peace will know no end. "Come Lord Jesus. Bring your permanent perfect peace that passes all understanding!"

1. Events 
- Tonight, Youth Ministries at Calvin Church, 6:30-8:00PM. NOTE: We are doing a non perishable food drive to benefit the food pantry at LOVE INC. We will collect food tonight and next Wednesday.
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.
- Monday, Council Meeting, Nov. 17 at 6:30PM at church.
- Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve Service, Nov. 26 at 6:30PM.
- Wednesday, Book Club, December 3 at 6:30PM at Verdoni's. We're reading "In the Garden of Beasts" by Erik Larson.

2. T-Shirt Sale - NOV 11- Dec 2 ONLY. Get a T-Shirt, Long Sleeve T, or Hoodie for Christmas! The costs range from $16-$36. All proceeds go to the building fund. Go to:!

3. WMC Fall Play – Friday & Saturday, Nov.14/15, 7:30PM. Our very own Al Schut is directing the hilarious comedy “The Curious Savage”. Tickets are in the school office--$4 for students and $6 for adults. It is a funny play that will leave you with the feeling that kindness and affection have not been lost in a world that seems motivated at times only by greed and dishonesty.

4. Adoption Benefit - Sunday, Nov. 16, 4:30pm-8:00pm. This catered dinner & silent auction at the Century Club is to raise funds for Bethany Christian Services for Brandon & Charlene Beck's Domestic Infant Adoption. Anyone is welcome to attend, tickets may be purchased at: Dinner: $30 per person, Dinner with drinks: $35.

5. Sign! - Did you notice the new Celebration Community Church sign along Sherman Blvd?  It lights up! It lights up too! Thanks to Eric Fifolt and all the others who helped design, create, and donate it to church! Yay!

6. Prayer - Take some time to pray for:
- Lakeside CRC in Ludington requests prayers as they celebrate the ordination of their Pastor Cynthia DeJong on Saturday, November 22.
- Pam WIlliamson's friend Dave after his wife Diana died on Oct. 5. May he find peace and comfort during the grieving process.
- Jim DuRose is also grieving from the loss of his wife Joyce.
- Prayers for families that seem to be falling apart.
- Natalie Sims in her search for work. Also, her grandson Colton is doing well and out of the hospital.
- Prayers of thanksgiving and praise at Baby Gabe Beck who came home last week from the hospital.
- Prayers for Harold who will preach next Sunday and Pastor Matt and the band who will lead the music. Pray for both as they prepare and listen for God's leading.
- Marilee Schut as she continues to heal from her foot surgery.
- Congratulations to Amie Anderson who is now the Dean of Students at Delta College!
- The victorious Candidates who were elected this past Tuesday. May they seek God for wisdom and Discernment in making bold leadership decisions in our country.
- Sue DeBoer’s granddaughter, Audrey, who has been doing quite well and her white blood counts are high!
- Those dealing with loneliness and depression.
- Jim Ring’s dad who is not doing well after his hip fracture last month.
- Those feeling stressed out at work and in need of Gods hand of encouragement.
- The families of the recent victims shot to death in Muskegon Heights as they deal with the loss of loved ones.
- Thanks for those who have difficulty in life but continue to say that God is good.
- Bill Essenberg as he started his 2 month cancer treatments.
- Celebration’s building project.
- Those looking for employment.
- For unexpected money issues.
- The unspoken prayers of our hearts that only God knows.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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