Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Week Update

Dearest Celebration,
Is it still unclear to us in the USA that we have so much for which to be thankful? Sometimes. I like the way the Apostle Paul encouraged his readers who had much less than we do. In Colossians 3:15, stuffed between his thoughts on the peace of Christ and the word of Christ, Paul simply says, "And be thankful." No big guilt trips given. No frustrated anger over whiny selfish attitudes. Just a command: be thankful. We are surrounded by the peace of Christ and the word of Christ. Let us be thankful both this week and those to follow!

1. Events
- Tonight, Thanksgiving Eve Service at 6:30PM at church.
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.
- Monday, Dec. 1, Vision Team Meeting, 6:30PM at Ring's.
- Wednesday, Dec. 3, Book Club, 6:30PM at Verdoni's. We're reading "In the Garden of Beasts" by Erik Larson.
- Dec. 6, Food Truck at Calvin Church, Saturday, 8:00-10:00AM. Help distribute food to those who need it.
- Dec. 14, Annual Congregational Meeting, Sunday after worship. Copies of the proposed budget are available on the Information Table. Contact your elder if you have any questions.

2. Sunday - Meh? It's the too common feeling of apathy and unconcern. Are we that way toward God? Join us as we conclude our series "We've Got Mail" and what Jesus says to Celebration Church from the book of Revelation.

3. T-Shirt Sale - This is the last week! Until Dec 1, get a T-Shirt, Long Sleeve T, or Hooded sweatshirt for Christmas! The costs range from $16-$36. All proceeds go to the building fund. Go As of today we have 18 shirts sold already!

4. Baby Basics Help - Our supply of baby toiletries is severely depleted. We need baby wash, lotion, wipes and diapers. Receiving blankets and cozy crib blankets are also in low supply. New or very gently used newborn to 9 month old sleepers/outfits plus small infant rattles/toys make our "bags" special for these needy new moms. Thanks for your help!!

5. Miracle of Christmas - Every part of the Christmas story reveals a miracle. We can easily miss it if we don't look for it. Our Advent series this December asks us to consider how the miracle of Christ's coming into the world changed history, brought peace and hope of salvation, and impacts you personally. Invite a friend to hear of the "Miracle of Christmas"!

6. Prayer - Take some time to pray for:
- Pray for those coming to the Thanksgiving service on Wednesday at 6:30PM. May God continue to bless us all and give us all that we need!
- That God would bless all the families getting together for Thanksgiving.
- For unexpected money issues.
- Pam Williamson's friend Dave after his wife Diana died on Oct. 5. May he find peace and comfort during the grieving process.
- Prayers for families that seem to be falling apart.
- Marilee Schut as she continues to heal from her foot surgery.
- Those feeling stressed out at work and in need of Gods hand of encouragement.
- Thanks for those who have difficulty in life but continue to say that God is good.
- Bill Essenberg as he is in the middle of his 2 month cancer treatments.
- Those in the midst of relational issues.
- Celebration’s building project and closing the gap needed to begin.
- Those looking for employment.
- The unspoken prayers of our hearts that only God knows.
- Those dealing with loneliness and depression.
- Continue to pray for families who are separating or divorcing. Pray especially for the children who are always caught in the middle.
- Brian and Sue Vredevoogd ask for prayers for their friend Frank who has had his cancer come back.
- Harold West gave prayers of thanks for Janet Sykes, his resident who fell and was in a coma after a lot of blood loss. She returned home this past week.
- Nate Meyer, son of Bob and Kathy, has improved enough to be moved to Mary Free Bed after his accident.
- Pray for those who still grieve after the loss of loved ones. May they seek even more after our Comforter during the holidays.
- Pray for Congregational meeting scheduled for Dec. 14. The budget will be presented and updates given on several ministries.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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