May we as a church always fight against this!
1. Events
- Saturday, Oasis Christmas Play Practice, 10:00-11:00AM at church.
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.
- Sunday, Worship Service, 10:30AM!
- Sunday, High School Youth Group at Calvin Church, 6:00-8:00PM. Starts with dinner!
- Wednesday, Dec. 24, Pray For Muskegon, all day. Sign up for your hour to pray for Muskegon.
- Wednesday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 7:00PM. It is a wonderful way to enter into Christmas!
- Jan. 4, Seekers Small Group meets. Terry & Patti Lacy will lead the lesson.
- Jan. 7, Book Club - Meet at the Brew House (on Seminole @ Seaway) to discuss "Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale" by Lynda Rutledge.
3. Mitten Tree - It is awesome to see that all of the tags from the mitten tree are spoken for! Please bring your gift(s) on Sunday. We'll deliver them on Monday!
4. Sunday - "There's a method to the madness!" This quote seems to fit when we talk about why Jesus was born in a manger. Join us Sunday as we continue our Advent series: "The Miracle of Christmas."
5. Prayers:
- Pray for those who still grieve after the loss of loved ones. May they seek even more after our Comforter during the holidays.
- That we may be filled with grace when we meet with those whom we disagree.
- Those dealing with loneliness and depression.
- Continue to pray for families who are separating or divorcing. Pray especially for the children who are always caught in the middle.
- For Brenda and Steve Swanson and her family at the loss of her granddaughter Isabella.
- Marilee Schut as she continues to heal from her foot surgery.
- Bill Essenberg as he is nearing the end of his cancer treatments.
- Those looking for employment and feel like they are not wanted or needed.
- The unspoken prayers of our hearts that only God knows.
- Brian and Sue Vredevoogd ask for prayers for their friend Frank who has had his cancer come back.
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
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(231) 571-4137
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