Wednesday, December 3, 2014

5 Things to Know This Week

Where is the line between words filled with loving grace and loving correction? I think we err on both sides too often. We remain silent when the other person is on a bad trajectory in life. Or we blast them with both barrels on how they need to change their ways. The big picture when speaking our words is that they must be loving. If the person does not know that we love and care for them, re-think saying your words of correction. But if you love and care about the other person, please don't withhold loving words of correction that might help them? So, when in doubt: speak words of love!
1. Events
- Wednesday, Dec. 3, Book Club, 6:30PM at Verdoni's. We're reading "In the Garden of Beasts" by Erik Larson.
- No Youth Ministries tonight at Calvin church.
- Saturday, Food Truck at Calvin Church, Saturday, 8:00-10:00AM. Help distribute food to those who need it.
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.
- Sunday, Worship Service, 10:30AM!
- Sunday, Oasis Team Meeting, after worship in the Oasis room.
- Dec. 14, Annual Congregational Meeting, Sunday after worship. Copies of the proposed budget are available on the Information Table. Contact your elder if you have any questions.

2. T-Shirt Sale - The website extended our sale for one week! So, get a T-Shirt, Long Sleeve T, or Hooded sweatshirt for Christmas! The costs range from $16-$36. All proceeds go to the building fund. Go to: As of today we need to sell 17 more shirts!

3. Sunday - You have probably heard it said, "Timing is everything." Have you ever thought of that when it comes to Christmas? Join us Sunday as we consider this idea in our Advent series "The Miracle of Christmas."

4. Community Survey - Remember to ask your friends, neighbors, co-workers, boss, etc. your 3 questions before Sunday! 1) What are the biggest needs in our community? 2) How are those needs presently addressed? 3) How could a church be helpful in addressing these needs? We will collect them on Sunday!

5. Prayer - Please send your prayer requests so that we may bring them before our God. The following requests are ones we know.
- For Brenda and Steve Swanson and her family at the loss of her granddaughter Isabella last week.
- That we may be filled with grace when we meet with those whom we disagree.
- Prayers for families that seem to be falling apart.
- Marilee Schut as she continues to heal from her foot surgery.
- Bill Essenberg as he is in the middle of his 2 month cancer treatments.
- Those looking for employment.
- The unspoken prayers of our hearts that only God knows.
- Those dealing with loneliness and depression.
- Continue to pray for families who are separating or divorcing. Pray especially for the children who are always caught in the middle.
- Brian and Sue Vredevoogd ask for prayers for their friend Frank who has had his cancer come back.
- Harold West gave prayers of thanks for Janet Sykes, his resident who fell and was in a coma after a lot of blood loss. She returned home this past week.
- Nate Meyer, son of Bob and Kathy, has improved enough to be moved to Mary Free Bed after his accident.
- Pray for those who still grieve after the loss of loved ones. May they seek even more after our Comforter during the holidays.
- Pray for Congregational meeting scheduled for Dec. 14. The budget will be presented and updates given on several ministries.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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