Wednesday, January 14, 2015

6 Things To Know This Week

1. Events 
- TONIGHT, Youth Ministries at Calvin Church, 6:30-8:00PM - (ages 4 years to 8th grade) Little Peeps = Lesson "Heaven Breaks Through" plus POINT STORE, GEMS = Lesson “Get Moving” and Craft, Cadets = Point Store , and Middle School = Sampson: The raging Prima Donna.
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.
- Sunday, Worship Service, 10:30AM!
- Sunday, High School Youth Group at Calvin Church, 6:00-8:00PM. Starts with dinner!
- Jan. 21, Baby Basics, 10:00AM. We will meet to put together baby gifts.
- Jan. 24, Pray For Muskegon, all day. Invest 1 hour to pray for Muskegon and the surrounding area.
- Jan. 25, Soup and Salad Lunch after Sunday worship.
- Jan. 25, County-Wide Prayer Event, 6:00PM in the Orchard View High School auditorium.
- Feb. 4, Book Club - Meet at 6:30PM at Panera Bread. The book this month is "Beautiful Ruins" by Jess Walter.
- Feb.. 6-8, Middle School Winter Retreat
- Feb. 7, Cadet Winter Derby

2. Severe Weather If a severe weather warning is issued, people should not come to church activities. If an official cancellation is necessary, we will post the cancellation on the WZZM web site. This will also be listed on channel 13 WZZM. 

3. County-Wide Prayer Event, Sunday, January 25, 6:00PM in the Orchard View High School auditorium. This will be a non-denominational gathering of the Body of Christ in the greater Muskegon area for worship, prayer, encouragement, testimonies, and more prayer!

4. Youtube - Many people have told us that they would like to watch the worship service online because they couldn't make it on Sunday or they live away from Muskegon. SO we will post videos of sermons and songs on the Celebration Youtube website listed below. If you "subscribe" to the site, you will get an email every time we add a video. Send us feedback so we can do this well. Thanks!

5. Sunday - Is our faith blind or is there solid evidence that supports our faith? Invite a friend to worship as we consider this question in our present series "God's Not Dead!" (Acts 26:24-29)

6. Prayers:
- Linda Bergman's 17-year-old granddaughter Kennedy has been experiencing seizures of which she has no memory. The doctors can't find anything physically wrong with her. Please pray that they can find an answer and help her.
- Pray that our Christian Reformed World Mission (CRWM) missionaries may establish enriching partnerships with national leaders, churches, and other partners in every mission field. Pray that they would see further opportunities for working together to more effectively serve their community.
- The Oasis ministry will be using a new curriculum this next year. May it be helpful to building a solid foundation in our kids and lead them to know Jesus. God bless youJulie and your team!
- Bill Essenberg asks for prayers for his brother Tom and sister in law Julie. Julie's mom, Lee Manspeaker, passed away 12-24 in Athens Georgia. Pray for the grieving families including Bill Manspeaker who lost his wife.
- Rob DeJonge asked for prayers for families of two of his staff members and a regular. They were involved in a fatal accident last week.
- A former student of Eenigenburg's starting her first teaching assignment last week in Nampula, Mozambique! May God bless her in her mission work!
- Pray for healing and forgiveness among friends and families.
- Pray for all of the request we have on our hearts that no one knows about but God.
- For conflicts in churches in the area.
- Pastor Matt's friend and former pastor Archie VanderHart has stomach and esophagus cancer that has metastasized into his bones. He has started radiation treatments.
- Ruth Hinajosa's sister Delores had heart surgery on January 12. May God keep her safe and bring her back home to her family. Also, Ruth is experiencing numbness in her hand.
- Duane and Paula would like prayers for yet another financial problem.
- We praise God for allowing our church to reach our building fund goal! Yay Fundraising Team! You did a great job!
- We praise God for helping Ruth to reconcile with her sister Jane. God is so good!
- Brian and Sue Vredevoogd give praise that the biopsy of their friend Frank revealed no cancer at all! Praise God!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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