Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Celebration Midweek - Jan. 21

I am looking forward to the movie "God's Not Dead!" that we hope to show on Friday night at 7:00PM. One huge reason is that many of us are just not equipped to share our faith to the skeptics around us. Most of us know what we know and can talk about it to other Christians. But when it comes to those who are resistant to the gospel, we quickly look for ways out of the conversation. I hope this movie will spur us on to be more bold in our witness and to dig deeper in our study so "the servant of God can be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:17)

1. Events
- TONIGHT, Youth Ministries at Calvin Church, 6:30-8:00PM - (ages 4 years to 8th grade) Little Peeps = Lesson "Let's Go", GEMS = Lesson and Craft, Cadets = Project Night , and Middle School = "Ruth: The Tenacious Outsider."
- Friday, Movie Night, "God's Not Dead!"
- Saturday, Pray For Muskegon, all day. Invest 1 hour to pray for Muskegon and the surrounding area.
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery. Join us as we journey through Corinth.
- Sunday, Worship Service, 10:30AM!
- Sunday, High School Youth Group at Calvin Church, 6:00-8:00PM. Starts with dinner!
- Sunday, Soup and Salad Lunch after Sunday worship.
- Sunday, County-Wide Prayer Event, 6:00PM in the Orchard View High School auditorium.
- Feb. 4, Book Club - Meet at 6:30PM at Panera Bread. The book this month is "Beautiful Ruins" by Jess Walter.
- Feb.. 6-8, Middle School Winter Retreat
- Feb. 7, Cadet Winter Derby

2. Weather Reminder – If a severe weather warning is issued, people should not come to church activities. If an official cancellation is necessary, we will post the cancellation on the WZZM web site. This will also be listed on channel 13 WZZM.

3. County-Wide Prayer Event, Sunday, January 25, 6:00PM in the Orchard View High School auditorium. This will be a non denominational gathering of the Body of Christ in the greater Muskegon area for worship, prayer, encouragement, testimonies, and more prayer!

4. Sunday - What do we do when facing skeptics to Christianity? Run away? Engage them? Invite a friend to worship as we consider this question in the last message in our present series "God's Not Dead!" (John 20:24-29)

5. Prayers
- Patti Lacy's uncle passed away on Monday morning!
- Ruth Hinajosa's sister Delores is doing well after her heart surgery. Pray for her continued healing as she will be in the hospital for a while longer.
- Ruth also has numbness in her hand from the repetitive motion of the job
- Linda Bergman's granddaughter is still experiencing seizures.
- Please pray for those who have lost loved ones this past year.
- Roger Doctor’s friend, Clint Ridley, has a brain tumor and is seeking treatment at Mayo Hospital.
- Pray for families with financial stress.
- Pray for those looking for a home church that God would lead them where they need to be.
- For the prison ministries around the country.
- For the conflicts within churches in the area.
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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