Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Celebration Midweek - Dec. 9

While helping to plan the "Grand Opening" this week, I was struck with God's faithfulness us, God's people who worship as Celebration Community Church.  He has blessed us for over 18 years!  Long before we called our first pastor, before we met at Hile School, and before we moved into our present worship center.  Sunday we will celebrate the recent blessings of God but he has been a constant source of blessing all along.  Thank you God for your faithfulness!

  • SUNDAY, Grand Opening Worship Service, 10:30AM
  • December 24, Christmas Eve Service, 6:30PM.  Invite a friend to celebrate the birth of Jesus our Savior.
  • Adult Sunday School class will resume on January 3 at 9:00AM.
  • January 5, Book Club, 6:30PM.  We will meet at Denny's and discuss the book "Before I Go To Sleep" by S.J. Watson.

  • TONIGHT, Wednesday Night Youth Ministries, 6:30-8:00PM at Calvin Church.  Little Peeps = Lesson: "He's Here!"--The Story of Jesus' Birth"; GEMS = Lesson:"Choose forgiveness!” Craft: Angel Ornament; Cadets = Hearts & Hands Project Night; Middle School = "Mary the Mother of Jesus "
  • SUNDAY, High School Progressive Dinner, 6:00-8:30PM, All High School/College Students should meet at church and we will travel from house to house and enjoy some great food together. Bring a $2 wrapped gift for our annual gift exchange!
  • December 20th, High School Movie Night, 6:00-8:30PM.

3. Giving Tree - There are new ornaments on the Giving Tree because we have a new family from Love INC!  This family is presently home-less but living with friends of the family.  There are no any specific big need items but the family is grateful for the willingness of Celebration to help them with a Christmas they otherwise would not have had.

4. Celebration Family Meeting - If you were not at the meeting on Sunday, pick up the informational packet on the info booth.  It is full of exciting things happening in various Ministry Teams at Celebration.  

5. Baby Basics - We moved this ministry to the main floor so team members do not need to climb many stairs to participate. Please leave donations on the white table display in the Fellowship Hall. We especially need lotion, wash, diapers & wipes.

6. PRAYERS - Here are some prayer requests for this week:
  • The Grand Opening on Sunday and all the little details that need to come together.  Pray for friends and guests who are coming to celebrate with us.
  • Carla Eenigenburg's Uncle Don had cataract surgery which went went well.  Her cousin Scott will have surgery this weekend on his heart.
  • Pray for the family in Albert Lea, MN whose son committed suicide last week.
  • Patti Lacy asked for prayers for their friends' daughter who attempted suicide for the 3rd time this year.  She jumped from a bridge and broke her pelvis and a leg.  She is depressed and hurting inside.
  • Pray for the guests we had on Sunday.  May God feed their souls and lead them where they can be useful to God's Kingdom.
  • Pray for co-workers and friends who we show Jesus to every day.
  • Ron Crabtree asked for prayers for his mother in law who has diabetes and her going back to work again.
  • Bill Essenberg prays for a new job and for his addiction recovery.
  • Pray for family members who do not know Jesus.  May we be good witnesses for Jesus or may God do what is necessary to bring them to Jesus.
  • Pray for Beverly, mother in law of Kim Rhodes, who is recovering from colon surgery.
  • Mike Straley asks for prayers for safe travel to family in Utah this month.
  • Pray for those who are finding it difficult to find joy this time of year.
  • Pray for small groups at church to help people grow closer to God and to his people.
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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