Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Celebration Weekly - Dec. 16

My new favorite book is "All Is Grace" by Brennan Manning.  It is a raw and honest look at the Christian life with all of its paradoxes.  I haven't read too far into the book yet but this quote stopped me yesterday: "Ragamuffins have a singular prayer: 'God be merciful to me, a sinner.' Any additional flourishes to make that cry more palatable are merely Pharisaical leaven."  Remember God's radical, wonderful, and totally amazing grace to you this week!

  • SUNDAY, Fellowship Team Meeting after the worship service.
  • SUNDAY, Creativity Team Meeting after the worship service.
  • SUNDAY, The New Small Group meets after church.
  • December 24, Christmas Eve Service, 6:30PM.  Invite a friend to celebrate the birth of Jesus our Savior.
  • Adult Sunday School class will resume on January 3 at 9:00AM.
  • January 5, Book Club, 6:30PM.  We will meet at Denny's and discuss the book "Before I Go To Sleep" by S.J. Watson.

  • TONIGHT, Wednesday Night Youth Ministries, 6:30-8:00PM at Calvin Church.  Little Peeps = Lesson:"The Light of the Whole World";GEMS = Christmas Party with Ice Cream Sundae’s and GAMES; Cadets = Reading of Luke 2 & Christmas Movie Night;Middle School = Christmas Party  REMINDER: We'll be off December 23 & 30.
  • SUNDAY, High School Movie Night, 6:00-8:30PM. All High School or College Students should meet at Calvin Church for some food and a festive movie night!
  • Middle School Retreat - January 22-24 at Grace Adventures.  Contact Brian Kingshott for a permission form or other information. This is one of the most spiritually beneficial events of our year!   So I strongly encourage you to consider having your child participate.
3. Local Christmas Nativity Presentations
  • Outdoor Live Nativity at Central Assembly Church - December 16-18 from 6:00-8:00PM.  (2620 McLaughlin, Muskegon)
  • Christmas Nativity Walk at Trinity Lutheran Church - December 18-19 from 6:00-9:00PM, December 20 from 3:00-4:00PM.  (3225 Roosevelt Road, Roosevelt Park)
4. Baby Basics - We moved this ministry location to the main floor (the old library). Please leave donations on the white table display in the old Worship Center. We especially need lotion, wash, diapers & wipes.

5. PRAYERS - Here are some new prayers for your list:
  • Pam Serene has finished her requirements for her degree from Muskegon Community College.  She graduates in May!!!
  • Carla Eenigenburg's cousin Scott came through his heart surgery well and is now recovering at home.
  • Kalece Crowley, a 3 yr old student at Muskegon Christian School will have major kidney surgery on Thursday at Helen Devos Children's hospital.  Pray for God to work through the doctors & nurses that will be caring for her.  Pray for comfort & healing for Kalece and pray for peace & wisdom for her parents.
  • Prayers of praise for the excitement of our Grand Opening!  It was a wonderful day!  It was great to see many guests who hadn't been to any church in a long time.  
  • Pray for Ivy Dudgeon's uncle and aunt who are having surgeries this week.
  • Pray for the those who enter Christmas time without loved ones this year.
  • Pray for parents who have addictions.
  • Pray for those with back injuries and other physical hurts.
  • "Jesus is the reason for the season!"
  • Pastor Matt's nephew will have surgery next week to correct an issue with his kidneys.
  • Pray for those who battle depression during the winter months.  
  • Pray for those seeking financial stability.
  • Pray for the people who visited who do not have a home church or even faith in Jesus.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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