Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Celebration Midweek - Jan. 18

People always think the pastor needs to read something and sometimes they are right.  Other times not so much.  My wife sent me a link to some articles about how husbands and wives can do harm to their spouse even when they don't know it.  So, let me pass these great articles along to you.  May they be as helpful to you as they have been to me.

Jan. 18, Baby Basics/Women's Bible Study, 10:00/10:30AM.
Jan. 18, Student Ministries at Calvin Church on Norton Ave, 6:30PM.
Jan. 22, Seekers Small Group meets after church.
Jan. 24, Pray for Muskegon
Jan. 29, Muskegon Area Praise and Prayer Event, 6:00-7:30PM, at Orchard View High School.
Feb. 1, Ladies AM Bible Study will meet at 
Tootsie's on Glenside Blvd. at 10:30 am; there will be no meeting of Baby Basic.  NOTE: There will be no meetings for Baby Basic or Wed AM Bible Study in February and March. It will start again in April. Hope you can join us then.
Feb. 2, Classis Muskegon meeting at church.Feb. 6, Vision Team Meeting, 6:30PM
Feb. 25, Annual Wild Game Dinner, 5:30 appetizers, 6:00PM dinner.

2. SUNDAY - “The Land Between.”   Our lives are quite similar to God’s people when they left Egypt for a promised home of paradise.  Life changes has led us away from our comfort zone, what we knew as "home."  Now we are in the middle between what we knew and a new destination, a new "home."  Invite a friend to join us as we hear what God has to say about our present reality in the Land Between!  Sunday: "Focus" (Exodus 33:12-17)

  • Pray for good conversations regarding race relations which will lead to healing.
  • Pray for broken friendships
  • Amie Anderson's  grandma had surgery last week for cancerous tumors.  Pray for a good recovery over the next few months.
  • Eddie Anderson writes, "My brother, Tommy Stanley, is in the hospital in San Jose, CA.  He's been there for 2 weeks.  They had to do surgery to drain his lung of fluid.  He's doing better and getting stronger."
  • Deb Mart's surgery on her hand went well as is the healing process.  Pray for safe travels to Florida this weekend.
  • Pray for continued healing for Jill Bennett who is now at the Hume Home.
  • Pray for those about to be moms for the first time.
  • Pray for those who are in a time of uncertainty.
  • Pray for the future of our country.
  • Pray for June Bishop's daughter-in-law Kali and her unborn baby which is due at the end of February.  The sonograms are showing some increasingly concerning issues with the baby's kidneys. 
  • Pray for Stephen in dealing with feelings with loneliness and his journey back to you.
  • Pray for revival in the land!
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