Wednesday, January 25, 2017

God is Good!

Jan. 25, Student Ministries at Calvin Church on Norton Ave, 6:30PM.
Jan. 27, Play and Learn Class by LoveINC at Celebration, 10:00AM
Jan. 29, Muskegon Area Praise and Prayer Event, 6:00-7:30PM, at Orchard View High School.
Feb. 1, Ladies AM Bible Study will meet at Tootsie's on Glenside Blvd. at 10:30 am; there will be no meeting of Baby Basic.  NOTE: There will be no meetings for Baby Basic or Wed AM Bible Study in February and March. It will start again in April. Hope you can join us then.
Feb. 2, Classis Muskegon meeting at church.
Feb. 6, Vision Team Meeting, 6:30PM
Feb. 8, Book Club, 6:30PM at Bob Evans on Harvey St.  We’ll discuss "Ordinary Grace" by William Krueger. 
Feb. 25, Annual Wild Game Dinner, 5:30 appetizers, 6:00PM dinner.

2. SUNDAY - “The Land Between.”   Our lives are quite similar to God’s people when they left Egypt for a promised home of paradise.  Life changes has led us away from our comfort zone, what we knew as "home."  Now we are in the middle between what we knew and a new destination, a new "home."  Invite a friend to join us as we hear what God has to say about our present reality in the Land Between!  Sunday: "Coming Home" (Joshua 1:1-9)

  • Pray for Amie Anderson's  grandma who had surgery recently for cancerous tumors.  Pray for a good recovery over the next few months.
  • Pray for Eddie Anderson's brother who is in the hospital in San Jose, CA.  He's doing better and getting stronger."
  • Pray for continued healing for Jill Bennett who is now at the Hume Home.
  • Pray for those who are in a time of uncertainty.
  • Pray for the future of our country.
  • Pray for June Bishop's daughter-in-law Kali and her unborn baby which is due at the end of February.  The sonograms are showing some increasingly concerning issues with the baby's kidneys. 
  • Pray for orphans in Mozambique who choose between working to support the other siblings or going to school.
  • Pray for the Classis meeting at Celebration on Feb. 2.
  • Pray for the preparations for the Wild Game Dinner later in February.
  • "Pray for those who want to do something that betters their soul, but who will be frowned upon if they do."
  • Pray for Terry Lacy’s relative, was hit by a train but survived.  He is facing lots of surgeries but will be OK. 
  • Pray for marriages that are under attack from Satan.
  • Terry Lacy asks for prayers for his 2 co-workers: Todd who had a spot removed from his liver on Friday.  Manuel who broke his foot but will not go to a doctor.   
  • Linda Bergman asks for prayer for 6-year-old Bremyn, who has been diagnosed with brain cancer, which is near his brain stem and could go into his spine.
  • Pray for those who need to trust God with the things they cannot control.
  • Please also pray for Kim Rhodes' mother-in-law who is having problems with her only remaining kidney.
  • Praise God for improvement and good prognosis for Lilia DuRose's mom who was having trouble breathing and walking.
  • Pray for strength and wisdom for those to do the work put before them at their jobs due to forced overtime or reduction in staff.
  • Praise God that Matthew DuRose’s speech in front of the school board went over very well.
  • Ruth Hinajosa’s brother is still recuperating and in need of healing prayers.  
  • Praise God Paula Blohm has been regaining her strength.
  • Praise God for small groups which care for each other and are invested in helping each other grow closer to God!   
  • Pray for Benjamin who has been having "infantile spasms."  Pray for Pastor Matt's cousin Chris and his wife Amy because it is difficult to be helpless when your child is hurting.

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