Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Car Doors and Good Memories

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This past Monday I was so glad of the broken door on my Civic.  Sounds strange, doesn't it?  The door was broken the summer I was in Canada during my pastoral internship.  Someone broke into my car and took a GPS which was loaned to me by someone from the church.  Embarrassing and not fun!

But I am so glad for my door because every time I look at it, my mind quickly goes back to the good memories in Canada.  I remember the patient and grace-filled people of Williamsburg CRC who allowed me to learn how to do things which I do regularly now in Michigan.  Wonderful people who were so generous.  It was a wonderful time!  So, thank you God for my broken car door!  

Do you have broken things in your life which help you remember some good memories and ultimately to our great God?

Feb. 22, Wednesday Night Bible Study, 6:45PM.
Feb. 24, Pray For Muskegon
Feb. 24, Play and Learn Class by LoveINC at Celebration, 10:00AM
Feb. 25, Annual Wild Game Dinner, 5:30 appetizers, 6:00PM dinner.
Feb. 26, Special Offering for Brenda Lange and Orphans Unlimited
Feb. 26, The New Small Group meeting after church.
Mar. 1, Ash Wednesday
Mar. 6, Council/Vision Team Meeting, 6:30PM at church.
Mar. 8, Book Club, 6:30PM at The Pita Place.  We're reading "Orphan Train" by Christina Baker Kline.
Mar. 10, Celebration Game Night, 6:00PM at church
Mar. 12, Middle School Ministries, 5:00PM at Church!

2. SUNDAY - “Identity Theft.”    Identity theft is a big problem in society today. It’s an even bigger problem when we’re dealing with spiritual identity theft.  Over the next 3 weeks we will take back what has been stolen: our spiritual identity.  Invite a friend to join us as we begin our Sunday sermon series with: "Robbed by Relationships" (Ecclesiastes 2:1-11).

We will be collecting a special offering for Brenda Lange during the morning worship service.  We attached a fact sheet in the email so you can know more of the ministry of Brenda and Orphans Unlimited in Mozambique.

Prayer Focus: Argentina
  • Pray for the local church to reach out spiritually and economically to the 500,000 people living in slums.
  • Pray for love and care from Christians toward large numbers of immigrants.
  • Pray for national church support for Argentinian missionaries being sent to foreign Muslim areas.
  • Go to for more info.
Local Prayers
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  • "Praise God for the gift of family."
  • "I am thanking God for always being there for me.  I had a very rough week but he helped me get through it.  My request is that his will be done in my life, no matter what that is, even with the difficult times.  May he use me to bless others as I have been blessed!" (Paula Blohm)
  • Patti Lacy is recovering from illness all last week. She requests prayer for her teenage great-niece, that the Lord will put someone in her life to guide her in making good decisions.
  • Patrick, who was hit by a train, is making a remarkable recovery and will not need surgery after all.  He is turning his life over to God and we praise the Lord for this miracle.
  • Praise God for grandparents.  May they be full of wise parental guidance.
  • Please pray for a good outcome for Ruth’s appointment on February 27. May God’s will be done! 
  • Terry Lacy's co-worker Todd’s cancer has now spread to his liver and he will have more surgery and is currently on chemo, which has been causing him to miss work.  
  • Praise God for all the volunteer labor put in at Celebration!
  • Praise God for improved relationships.
  • Pray for the planning, organizing, and grant writing to fund the start of our middle school youth ministries.
  • Praise God for employment.  Praise him even more when the workplace is not filled with conflict and drama.
  • Pray for loved ones who are heading down the wrong path in life.  May God lead them to a U-turn.
  • Pray for grown children who are estranged from their parents.
  • Linda Bergman asks for prayer for her nephew John, who lost his wife 4 years ago to cancer.  He remarried and his current wife has also been diagnosed with cancer.  Please pray for her healing and for strength and comfort for each of them.
  • Jackie Knight praises God for bringing her back to Muskegon, and for allowing her to get her old job back.  Please pray for good housing arrangements.
  • Pray for loved ones who battle their addictions.
  • Reyes praises God for healing both his mother, his brother, and his and Ruth’s dogs.  All are doing well!  Continue praying for his son Marcos who is in the VA hospital in Texas.
  • Pray for those who will attend the Wild Game Dinner.  For some, this will be the closest they will come to hearing God's good news all year.  May this be a wonderful event!
  • Praise God for the Men's Ministry at Forest Park Covenant.
  • Pray for those recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.  May God bring healing and comfort.
  • Thank you for your prayers.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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