Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How Can I Pray For You Today?

How Can I Pray For YOU?  Consider this question in your conversations today.  Someone may be looking for someone who cares enough to lift up their needs before God.  Someone may be overwhelmed and need to know our God knows their situation and will carry them through it.  Someone may have a burden on their heart and not know where to go with it.  Asking someone "How can I pray for you?" may be the most important question you ask anyone today.

1.  THANK YOU - There are many people to thank for their help in making the Classis Muskegon meeting last week a successful event.  Much effort went into setting up, preparing food, logistical organization, arranging tables, adjusting AV needs, and cleaning up.  Thank you all for your help!

Feb. 8, Student Ministries at Calvin Church on Norton Ave, 6:30PM.
Feb. 8, Book Club, 6:30PM at Bob Evans on Harvey St.  We’ll discuss "Ordinary Grace" by William Krueger. 
Feb. 8, Wednesday Night Bible Study, 6:45PM.
Feb. 10, Play and Learn Class by LoveINC at Celebration, 10:00AM
Feb. 12, Communion Sunday, 10:30AM
Feb. 12, New Small Group meeting after church.
Feb. 19, Fellowship Team Mtg after church.
Feb. 24, Pray For Muskegon
Feb. 25, Annual Wild Game Dinner, 5:30 appetizers, 6:00PM dinner.
Mar. 1, Ash Wednesday
Mar. 10, Celebration Game Night, 6:00PM at church
Mar. 12, Middle School Ministries, 5:00PM at Church!

3. SUNDAY - “The Joy of Giving.”   Is it even possible to be happier when we give than when we receive?  But what should we give and who do we choose as the object of our giving?  We have been called to give of 3 main things in life: our Time, our Talents, and our Treasures.  Invite a friend to join us Sunday when we talk about: "Giving Our Talents" (1 Corinthians 12:1-11).

LoveINC Volunteer Meeting, February 20.  LoveINC is looking for people to serve as mentors and financial coaches.  There will be a Volunteer Meeting at LoveINC on February 20 from 12:00-2:00PM or 5:30-7:00PM.  Lunch or dinner will be served.

Prayer Focus: Afghanistan is one of the least reached countries in the world. There are 48,000 mosques but not a single church building. Pray for the 70 unreached peoples of this country.  Pray for appropriate and expedient solutions to ongoing threats of violence.  Pray for Afghans who are seeking Truth to boldly embrace a new identity in Christ.  Pray for protection over Afghan believers and perseverance despite suffering.  Go to for more info.

  • Pray for Amie Anderson's husband Ken who has shingles.
  • Pray for those having surgeries today.
  • Pray for our children.  May God shape them and lead them to know him personally through Jesus!
  • Pray for the organizing and start of our new Middle School Youth Ministries.
  • Pray for safety for our children in our electronic media age.  May God keep the garbage of the internet away from them.
  • Pray for our elected officials and other government servants.  Help them do what is right over what is easiest.
  • "I am seeking God's will and peace at work."
  • Paula Blohm's health is improving.  She is regaining her strength and able to walk much better because the swelling is finally gone. 
  • "I know that no matter what, Jesus is with me on this journey.  So I am not afraid.  I praise him for his promise that he will never leave me nor forsake me!"
  • Pray for students experiencing peer pressure at school for standing up for his principles.  Pray also for the students who are headed "down the wrong path."
  • Pray for students preparing for various academic and sports competitions.  May God help them do their best and grow from the experiences.
  • Lilia DuRose’s mother is doing better but still has breathing problems.  Pray for answers and healing.
  • Reyes reports that his mother will be having surgery for a blockage in her vein.  Pray for a successful surgery and recovery.
  • Terry Lacy’s co-worker Todd will have surgery this week to remove a cancerous tumor.
  • Ruth Hinajosa’s dog Bobby has two growths that will need to be evaluated by the vet tomorrow.  We pray that it is nothing serious.  The Lord knows how important our pets are to us and we know how much he cares for them, and for us.
  • Pray for people experiencing unexpected events in life which drive us from our comfort zones.  Pray for focus on Jesus and the peace which passes all human understanding.
  • Pray for Amie Anderson's  grandma who had surgery recently for cancerous tumors.  Pray for a good recovery over the next few months.
  • Pray for the preparations for the Wild Game Dinner later in February.
  • Pray for marriages that are under attack from Satan.
  • Pray for those who need to trust God with the things they cannot control.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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