Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Celebration Midweek - April 16

As our worship leader Harold has said the last few weeks, Easter is an important day for most people. If a person is going to come to church, they will most likely come on Christmas or Easter. Remember to invite a friend this week!

1. Maundy Thursday Service, 6:30PM - Join us and at least 5 other churches at Church of God Holy Faith at 739 Leonard Street in Muskegon for worship, making new friends, and celebrating communion together. Get a taste of heaven and experience the Church in all of its diversity.

2. Easter Breakfasts and Egg Hunts: Yes, you can go to TWO Easter Breakfasts and Egg Hunts this year!
- Saturday, April 19th at Calvin CRC. They will serve a Pancake breakfast for a donation from 8:00-10:00AM with the Easter Egg Hunt starting at 10AM sharp. The egg hunt is for children 0-11yrs old. Bring a friend and an Easter basket to hold your eggs!
- Sunday, April 20 at Celebration. We will have our annual Easter breakfast starting at 9:30AM. The Egg Hunt will take place at 10:10AM in the Oasis Room.

3. Muskegon Prayer Initiative - There are a few more places to sign up to pray on Thursday, April 24. Sign up at the info booth or contact Pastor Matt. Praise God that there are at least 31 churches across many denominations that have volunteered to pray for Muskegon County! 24/7!

4. Students - Spring Break is over! There are student programs at Calvin CRC this evening starting at 6:30PM: Nursery, Little Peeps, GEMS, Cadets, & Middle School Youth Group. 
5. Prayers - Please pray for:
- Those looking for Jesus and who will be attending church this weekend. Pray that God will soften their heart and give them eyes to see him!
- Linda Bergman's niece Sara Hendrix (age 36 and mother of 4) had open heart surgery this week and had a leaking valve replaced.
- Brenda Grabinski is feeling quite well after her knee replacement surgery. She wanted to thank everyone for the prayers and the Hospitality Meals that have been delivered.
- God's healing power to come on the people of Muskegon: spiritual healing but also emotional and physical healing.
- The unspoken prayers that only our God knows.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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