Wednesday, April 30, 2014

8 More Things You Should Know

Here is a thought for the day: There is a great connection between prayer and the Bible in our private devotions. Here is an often quoted expression: "When I pray, I speak to God. When I read the Bible, God speaks to me." May that help you to maintain and even grow your quiet time with God!

1. National Day of Prayer - This Thursday, May 1 - Here are 2 options for you to be involved with praying with our nation.  Hope to see you there!
- Noon Prayer Rally at Muskegon County Building
- Evening Prayer Rally at 7:00PM - It will take place at the GVSU Renewable Energy Center, 200 Viridian Drive in Muskegon.

2. Church Clean Up/Work Bee, THIS SATURDAY at 9:00AM - YOU are needed to help do some Spring cleaning both inside and outside of Celebration. Stay as long as you can!

3. The Small Group with No Name will meet this Sunday, May 4 after church.

4. Adult Ed Sunday School at 9:00AM! - The class will be studying various Psalms!

5. New Pictorial Directory - Before Sunday, send Pastor Matt or Sandy Ring: a picture of your family, your address, phone number(s), and an email address you check regularly. We will take a picture for you if you have no current pics. We want to have this completed before the summer begins!

6. Sunday - Do you dread opening the door just to find the Jehovah Witnesses? Don't be alarmed! We are going to look at the big differences between them and Christians and how you can connect with them. Also, we are singing a newer song this Sunday, "Where I Belong". Click on the link below to watch it on Youtube.

7. Congregational Meeting - May 18 - We will select elders and deacons as well as the revisions in our church bylaws. If you would like a copy of the bylaws with their proposed revisions, contact Pastor Matt. Otherwise you may pick up a paper copy at the info booth.

8. Prayers - Please pray:
- For Brenda Grabinski as her leg has an infection.
- For great things to happen as the country prays on Thursday, May 1 the National Day of Prayer. Also pray for those who will attend the Prayer Rallies that it is not the number of people who are praying but what God will do through the people who are praying.
- For Fred Schossau's brother, Greg, he is diagnosed with bone cancer, stage 3. They also found a blood clot near his heart and are working on that issue. He has a tumor on his kidney.
- For the family of 
Marquis Gresham, the high school boy who was killed in Muskegon Heights this past week. Please pray for us to wake up to the gun violence in our community and pray for the Gresham family with this sudden loss of their teenager.
- For Jim & Jan Anderson, friends of the Baird's. Jan was diagnosed 5 years ago with cancer & was given 5 years at the most. She's now passed 5 years & latest test results/prognosis is 2 to 6 months. Pray for the family and all those who minister to them.
- For our nation which seems divided and in turmoil. Pray for our leaders that God would open their eyes for the needs of the people.


Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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