Wednesday, May 21, 2014

6 Things to Know This Week

1. Pray Muskegon on Saturday - The 24th is our day to pray for Muskegon County. Contact Pastor Matt if you haven't signed up for a time yet.

2. Basics For Babes - In order to keep this ministry going we are in desperate need of supplies: sleepers, blankets, receiving blankets, lotion, baby wash, diapers, wipes, pillow cases - just about everything for bays and girls! Thanks, Marilee.

3. Schools Out - There will be no Sunday School during the summer months. It will start up in the fall!

4. Sunday - New things are frustrating if you don't have someone to help you with those frequently asked questions. It's the same in your journey with Jesus. Invite a friend on Sunday as we start a new series "How Do I...?" as we continue to master some of the basic areas of the Christian life.

5. Events
June 1 - Hot Dog Roast - You won't want to miss this time to connect with new friends and re-connect with old ones!
June 8 - Love INC Fundraiser - If you do lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings on June 8, 20% of your bill will go to Love INC! We attached a coupon in case you get hungry.

6. Prayers - Please pray for:
- Our elders and deacons, especially our newly selected leaders: Elders Tom Dunning and Sandy Ring and Deacon Pam Williamson.
- Barb Hoekstra (friend of Pastor Matt's) who is battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She has just completed her round of chemo and will start radiation in June.
- The family of Margaret Workman as they hold the funeral at Ferrysburg CRC on Sunday, May 25 at noon.
- Ruth Hinajosa's son Shannon who is going through some hardships. Pray that God will guide him where He wants him.
- Duane Gray as he continues to have health issues.
- Duane Blohm who is having shoulder problems.
- Our guests at Celebration lately. Wherever they are in their journey, we pray God's peace on them in their search for him and a church home filled with God's people.
- Those who care for parents as they proceed into the "winter years" of their lives.
- Those who have bumps, bruises, skinned knees, other ailments and are basically in need of some TLC.
- For a pastor friend of Pastor Matt's who is under a lot of stress and is dealing with his internal issues including depression.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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