Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Celebration Midweek - May 7

Thought for the day: "Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear; All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer." No further explanation needed.

1. Clean! - A big thanks to all those who participated in the Church Clean Up day last Saturday. There are pictures on the church FB site if you want to see some of the hard workers!  Great job!

2. Sunday - Outside of Mitt Romney, how many Mormons have you ever spoken with? Are you aware of the differences between Christians and the Latter Day Saints? Find out Sunday as we continue our series "What's the Diff?"

3. Coming Events
- Vision Team at the DeBoer's - May 12
- Congregational Meeting - May 18
after worship.
- Pray Muskegon - May 24 - This is our date to pray for Muskegon County!
- Hot Dog Roast - June 1

4. Prayers - Here are some new and continued prayer requests:
- Steve DuRose's mother is free of cancer! Wahoo! She visited on Sunday and wanted to thank all those who have been praying for her.
- Amanda DeJonge's dad has a stroke on Sunday morning. They are sending him to Saginaw for further testing.
- Austin O. from Brandon Beck's baseball team who broke his foot last week.
- For the great things that will happen as we continue to pray for our country, our cities, our churches, and our families.
- For Fred Schossau's brother, Greg, he is diagnosed with bone cancer, stage 3. They also found a blood clot near his heart and a tumor on his kidney.
- For the gun violence in our community and for the Gresham family with this sudden loss of their teenager.
- For Jim & Jan Anderson, friends of the Baird's. Jan was diagnosed 5 years ago with cancer & was given 5 years at the most. She's now passed 5 years & latest test results/prognosis is 2 to 6 months. Pray for the family and all those who minister to them.
- For our nation which seems divided and in turmoil. Pray for our leaders that God would open their eyes for the needs of the people

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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