Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Celebration Midweek - May 14

One of my new favorite authors is Andrew Murray writes about putting effort into spending time with God: "In academic study or in athletics, every student needs determined purpose to succeed. Christianity requires, and indeed deserves, not less but more intense devotion. If anything, surely the love of Christ needs the whole heart." May we never give God only part of our heart!

1. Love INC Fundraiser - If you do lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings on June 8, 20% of your bill will go to Love INC! We attached a coupon in case you get hungry.

2. Pray Muskegon - We will continue to have the 24th of each month as our day of prayer for Muskegon County. Sign up at the info booth or contact Pastor Matt.

3. Sunday - This is a busy Sunday for a host of reasons!
- We will have Communion this Sunday! Use these few days to get things right with others before you celebrate being right with God. (Matt. 5:23-24)
- We will conclude our series "What's the Diff?" with a look at Islam.
- We will have our annual Spring Congregational Meeting after worship. We will select

elders and deacons as well as the revisions in our church bylaws. Attached are the revised bylaws with the proposed revisions in red print. The Elder candidates are Tom Dunning and Sandy Ring. The deacon candidates are Brandon Beck, Mike Straley, and Pam Williams.
- The Small Group With No Name will meet at the E-burg's for lunch after the Congregational Meeting.

4. Hot Dog Roast on June 1 - You won't want to miss this time to connect with new friends and re-connect with old ones.

5. Prayers - Please pray for:
- Our guests at Celebration lately. Wherever they are in their journey, we pray God's peace on them in their search for him and a church home filled with God's people.
- Those who care for parents as they proceed into the "winter years" of their lives.
- Continued prayers for Jim Ring at the loss of his mom recently.
- Thelma Bergman has a new great grand daughter. Just ask her for more details.
- Those who have bumps, bruises, or skinned knees and are basically in need of some TLC.
- Duane Gray as he continues to encounter health issues.
- For a pastor friend of Pastor Matt's who is under a lot of stress and is dealing with his internal issues including depression.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441

Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

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