Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Suicide Forest

I saw a news clip today that made me sad.  It was the mission of this Japanese man to hike throughout this forest and save people who wish to commit suicide.  The 20 minute video clip shows him walking around discovering remains of people who have died, stopping one person from killing himself, and questioning why a person would kill themselves in such a beautiful forest.

One quote of his really struck me, "You think that you die alone but that is not true.  No one is alone in this world.  We coexist with one another to take care of each other."  This man has such a heart for people, for those who feel they are all alone, that no one really cares for them.  Could we be that kind of person for those around us?  There are so many who feel defeated, rejected, and alone.  They need us to give them a reason for living.  May we tell them about Jesus who cares for them and honestly care about them too.