Thursday, January 31, 2013

7 Things You Should Know This Week

So this is a Michigan winter? I get so confused with the 60 degree days with melting snow followed by low temperatures with a foot of snow and then back to melting again. Today it seems that the snow wants to come back from its vacation. Welcome back!

Here are 7 things you should know this week!

1. Movie Night Rescheduled - The snow was too much last week so we rescheduled the movie "October Baby" to Friday, February 8, 7:00PM!

2. Scarf - Did you find a long red scarf? Contact Pastor Matt if you found it.

3. Prayers - We are grateful for a good surgery on Fred Schossau's shoulder on Wednesday. Pray for a good recovery too!

4. Survey - Your feedback DOES matter! If you haven't already, fill out the Celebration survey by Saturday.

5. Next Steps Class - February 17 we will start a "New Members" class after the morning worship. This class is geared for anyone wanting to take that their next steps in involvement at Celebration. Contact Pastor Matt to sign up.

6. Car - Looking for a car to sell? Wayne K needs one. I said that I would pass this along. Contact me and I will send you his number. Also, pray for his dad who is in Mary Free bed in GR recovering from a stroke.

7. There are so many areas in our lives that we need an upgrade. Sunday we start our series on a few of the areas that God wishes to improve in our lives. You won't want to miss it!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Celebration Midweek - Jan. 23, 2013

How much more excitement can we have this week? The Consumer's Energy guys replaced our electrical pole in the parking lot that was pushed over by the snowplow! Good times!

1. Prayers: Pastor Walt - X-rays showed no more kidney stones so they took out the stents. He will not need any more surgeries. Marilee S - They removed a nodule in her lung and found it to be benign (non-cancerous). She is recuperating at home.

2. Congregational Meeting: We will have a congregational meeting at church Sunday to discuss moving forward with Phase 2 of our building program. Enclosed is a handout.

3. Feedback Survey: Please provide us feedback by taking a short 5 minute survey! Thanks.

4. Movie Night: This Friday, January 25, at 7:00PM we will show October Baby in the worship center. The movie intertwines the topic of abortion and the story of a girl looking for love, forgiveness, and life. View the trailer for more info: FYI: The movie is rated PG-13 and may not be suitable for small children.

5. New Members Class - In February we will start a New Members class after morning worship. Yes, that means that food will be involved! This class is for anyone who wants to take that next step in responsibilities and involvement at Celebration. We will meet 3 times to explore what it means to be a member at Celebration. Contact Pastor Matt to sign up.

6. This coming Sunday we will conclude our series of "In the Boat With Jesus". We always talk about being fishers of men but what needs to happen before we are? I wish I would have known this a long time ago!


Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Celebration Mid-Week

Good Afternoon Celebration!
I am so excited about some of the upcoming things at church! I hope that you are/will be too! Check out these 7 things!

1. Feedback! - We are always in need of feedback so that Celebration Community Church can be all that God has called it to be. Please take 3 minutes to complete the 8 questions survey. Thanks!

2. Prayers: Pray for Marilee Schut as she goes in Monday to have a nodule removed from her lung. Pray for Makenna as she has another surgery today on the drain tube.

3. New Members Class - In February we will start a New Members class after morning worship. Yes, that means that food will be involved! This class is for anyone who wants to take that next step in responsibilities and involvement at Celebration. We will meet 3 times to explore what it means to be a member at Celebration. Contact Pastor Matt to sign up.

4. Movie Night: On Friday, January 25, we will show October Baby in the worship center. The movie intertwines the topic of abortion and the story of a girl looking for love, forgiveness, and life. View the trailer for more info:
FYI: The movie is rated PG-13 and may not be suitable for small children.

5. Cancelled: Brian and Sue are gone so there will be no Adult Sunday School this week.

6. Giving to God: Ever wonder whether bringing our gifts to God makes any difference to God or others? Invite someone Sunday to hear how our God takes what we give him and makes it into even more than we would ever hope for! (John 6:1-15)

7. Worship Service on Youtube: We hope to put some worship services on the Celebration Youtube website soon. This way you don't need to miss a worship service if you are stuck at home during our cold Michigan winter. Check it out and subscribe to see the new videos!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Celebration Mid Week

Celebration! There are 6 things that you need to know about this week!

1. Thanks! - Fred & Barb Schossau's son Aaron had a successful surgery on January 2 on his colon! He is home and recovering well!

2. Prayers! - Pray for Pastor Walt as he goes in for surgery tomorrow, Friday at 7:30AM to remove the stones and stint from his kidneys.

3. Sunday - If you know someone who needs to hit the pause button of life to re-evaluate their walk with Jesus, bring them Sunday! We continue our series "In the Boat with Jesus" as we look at getting rest for the journey. (Mark 6:30-32) 

4. New Members Class - In February we hope to start a New Members class. This is for anyone who wants to take that next step in responsibilities and involvement at Celebration. We will meet 3 times to explore what Celebration is all about.

5. Survey - We need your feedback to better fill the needs at Celebration and be all that God has called us to be. Next week you will receive a link to a 7 question survey. Your opinion counts!

6. Movie Night - Friday, January 25 You won’t want to miss our showing of the movie "October Baby". Mark your calendar!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441