Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Celebration Midweek - Feb. 26

The groundhog on February 2 said that there would be 6 more weeks of winter. That takes us to March 16. Can we just hold on for 2.5 more weeks? The following items may help you out!

1. Upcoming Events
  • Wieners and Winners, Saturday, March 8, 5:30pm - Join us at church for hot dogs, games, a Sundae bar, and loads of fun.
  • Casserole Luncheon, Sunday, March 23 - We will be sharing a meal together after Sunday morning worship. Sign up at the info booth so we can best cover the food needs.

2. Building Project - Thanks for all who attended and participated in the meeting last Sunday. We will include pledge cards in the program for the next few weeks for those who did not get them last week or were not able to be at church.

3. Prayers - Please pray for:

  • Lilia DuRose came home from the hospital on Tuesday. She's very tired and will take time to recover. The official diagnoses is a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The doctors assured us that this will heal over time. Both Steve and Lilia are grateful for your prayers and support.
  • For those actively dealing with cancer and those in remission.
  • Muskegon County Prayer Shield Initiative that this entire area would be lifted up in prayer every hour of every day.
  • Safety in travels during the icy roads of late winter.
  • The selection of elders and deacons that will take place in May.
  • The growth and maturity of those getting married this year and for those who seek to remain married.
  • Mike and Connie's friends, Joe and Barb, who tragically lost their son last weekend.
  • Brandon Rowell as he continues to wait for treatment for his back.
  • For those who try to be a "shining light" for Jesus to friends who are stumbling around in the "deep darkness".
  • Those looking forward to the bright sun of summer but sadly only see the gray of a long winter.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-413

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Celebration Midweek - February 19

1. Annual Wild Game Dinner, Saturday, February 22 - The Hors d'oeuvres will be at 5:30PM with the dinner starting at 6:00PM. Men: this may be the highlight of the year for you! See you there!

2. Sunday - It has been said that life is a gift. But how do you live this precious gift called life? How do you make plans in an uncertain and un-guaranteed future? Come Sunday an hear how to make the most of the short life that God has given to you! (James 4:13-17)

3. Building Project Update, February 23 - There will be a short meeting directly after the morning worship service where we will update the congregation with the plans for the building project. This will be a chance for you to see your role in the future of Celebration.

4. Prayers: Please add these recent additions to your prayer list:
- People at Celebration who are hungry for God to work in their lives.
- Tammy, Holly's friend, who has just finalized the divorce process.
- Back issues in the Ribbens family. Kadence will be undergoing an injection procedure on Tuesday to decrease the swelling in her spine. Holly has a disk pressing on the sciatic nerve causing constant pain. Also, Rob re-injured his back this past week with a fall in the driveway.
- Those looking for employment.
- Justin Udell who is in the hospital having emergency surgery.
- Basics For Babes ministry that provides layettes for new moms.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

7 Things to Know This Week

WOW! I just read the part in the book written by my friend Zantesah Ingalls where he says: "The world has labeled this generation as 'the lost generation.' I want to shift your paradigm. God has never created a generation that would be lost. He wants to use you to change a generation!" May God find us willing and useful in his vision to change Muskegon for him!

1. Annual Wild Game Dinner, Saturday, February 22 - The Hors d'oeuvres will be at 5:30PM with the dinner starting at 6:00PM. Men: this may be the highlight of the year for you! See you there!

2. Sunday - How do you deal with conflict? Stuff it? Spew it? Do you deal with it as the Bible prescribes? Invite someone who needs some conflict resolution in their life! Really, who doesn't need that? (Matthew 18:15-20)

3. Building Project Update, Feb. 23 - There will be a short meeting directly after the morning worship service to update the congregation with the plans for the next phase of the building project. This will be a chance for you to see your role in the future of Celebration.

4. Wanted - If you have a copy to lend of the movie "Jesus of Nazareth", please contact Pastor Matt.

5. Communication Cards - We want to update our information of members and regular attendees with accurate information for our new directory.  So, please fill out the communication card this Sunday.  Thanks.

6. Basics For Babes - Continue to pray for the wonderful work that this ministry has done over the last few months.  Also, they are in need of onesies, diapers, and new or gently used baby clothes.  Bring to church before the 19th when they make up the next layettes (Baby Starter Kits).  

7. Prayers - Please pray for:
- Those looking for employment.
- Those excited to grow in their journey with Jesus! Let us all lift them up and encourage them!
- Families looking for relief from the chaos and turmoil.
- Brenda Grabinski for her niece who passed away last week. Also for her mother Joann Fargo is adjusting to life in a nursing home.
- People struggling with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Feeling down due to a lack of sunlight is no fun!
- Robin Busch, sister of Tim Bosma who has only 2 more radiation treatments and then 6 weeks of rest before her surgery at the end of March. Pray for rest and restoring in this time.
- The friend of Sherry Essenberg who is suffering from cancer. She is now receiving hospice care. She is a wife and mother and only 49 years old.
- The city-wide prayer initiative that is being coordinated for this spring.
- The building project, leaders, and future of Celebration Community Church!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

5 Things to Know This Week!

wild_game_dinnersm1. Annual Wild Game Dinner, Saturday, February 22 - Are there men in your life who need the love of Christ and other Godly men? Consider inviting them to this event! If you are interested in cooking for this event or helping prepare, Roger Doctor will provide the meat and recipe for your dish.

2. Think about it - C.S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity, "If Christianity only means one more bit of good advice, then Christianity is of no importance. There has been no lack of good advice for the last 4000 years. A bit more makes no difference." Clearly there is more to Christ than just good moral advice.

3. Sunday - Listless, unmotivated, direction unknown? The Bible says "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Prov. 29:18) So, what is Celebration's vision? What is the vision for your life? Join us with a friend as we look at God's idea of vision from Mark 4:35-41.

4. Small Groups - It is difficult to grow closer with others and with God at church for only one hour on Sunday. That is why smaller groups are so important. Contact Brenda Swanson or Pastor Matt to do life with God and others in a small group. We will be starting new groups in late February!

5. Prayers - There are a couple of prayer requests from our Sunday communication cards.
- Continued prayers for those who are dealing with back issues or other pains.
- Robin Busch, sister of Tim Bosma, continues her radiation treatments for esophageal cancer.
- Our Classis (gathering of area churches) meets on Thursday, February 6. Pray for wisdom, guidance, and unity.
- Sean VanderJagt, son of Cheryl Ferguson as he enters the Army. Please lift in prayer all of our soldiers serving.
- Peace, comfort, and understanding within our relationships and marriages.
- That God may continue to direct our efforts in the building program.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137