Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Celebration Midweek - January 29

Highlight of the day? It was so bright outside that I had to wear sunglasses today! Hello Summer!
Here are a few things that you should know this week!

1. Annual Wild Game Dinner, Saturday, February 22 - Are there men in your life who need the love of Christ and other Godly men? Consider inviting them to this event! If you are interested in cooking for this event or helping prepare. Please see Roger Doctor.

2. Be Careful Please - There are huge snow banks at the exits to Sherman Blvd. Please be careful when leaving the parking lot.

3. Next Steps Class - February 2, Noon - Want to know more about Celebration or want to make it your Church home? Wwill meet after church with food (YAY!) before we dig in to what Celebration Church is all about and your "next steps" here. Contact Pastor Matt for more details.

4. Sunday - Prayer: It is the first thing given up when things are going well and the last thing done when things are not going well. Clearly, a shift in perspective is needed! (Luke 18:9-14)

5. Church Safety Class - We will be having a Church Safety class in a few weeks for those who will be volunteering in the nurseries and Oasis. Contact Pastor Matt for more details.

6. Prayers -
- There is a continued need for the people we know who have marriages that are in crisis.
- Those who are incarcerated and need a loving community more than ever.
- We celebrate the life of babies born within our community (Halden Workman). We mourn for the families of babies that did not make it safely into our world, unintentionally or intentionally.
- Those who are overextended financially and are near the breaking point.
- For all of us as we preach the good news of Jesus Christ every day, often times with our words.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

5 Things to Know This Week

May today be a day that you are focused so finely on Jesus and what he wants to do in your life! May he give you his wisdom and comfort that only he can give! May God's peace wash over you like a nice warm shower after a long cold Muskegon winter day!

1. Change for Nicaragua - Please check out the water jug in the entryway to church for mission trip to Nicaragua. Jessica Ribbens and Osha Towers are participating! Ask them lots 
of questions about it!

2. Baked Potato Bar, this Sunday January 26 at Noon - After the worship service we will have lunch together! Yay, food! Bring the item you signed up to bring or just bring a dessert. Never can have too many of those!

3. Sunday Video - Here is a link to "Bill the Church Hopper" that we hoped to watch this past Sunday. Remember that Sunday is not about "maximizing your church experience!" It is about Jesus!

4. Sunday - Let's talk about preaching! What goes into making a good sermon? What makes a good preacher? Why do we need a sermon anyway? Let's dig in this Sunday on "Preaching Vertical"! (2 Corinthians 4:1-6)

5. Prayers - Think of this before you pray for some recent needs today: "It's hard to maintain a rotten attitude while on your knees."
  • Sheri Caughey (friend and co-worker of Sue DeBoer) is battling breast cancer. She is in the chemo phase and has had to be hospitalized as her labs have fallen to critical levels. Please pray for her strength, increased white count, her family (2 children/husband). 
  • The DeColores weekend stars Thursday. Pray for the men who will attend such as Bill Essenberg and the staff like Tim Bosma who is the head cook.
  • Randy VanDonkelaar's brother passed away. The family is friends of Nancy and Tim Bosma.
  • Pam Williamson has a new job and the issues with her unemployment pay have been resolved. YAY!
  • Ruth and Reyes' co-workers and others who going through troubling times. 
  • Our national leaders and our troops. Pray that God protect them and grant them HIS discernment.
  • Becka Commans (Kadnece Ribbens boyfriend's 14 year old sister) She has been suffering from a migraine for over two weeks. This morning she collapsed at home with a severe headache. Please pray for relief and answers to why this keeps happening. 
  • Pray for the many families that are going through divorce.
  • Pray for many conflicts in families and friendships that only Jesus can bring peace and reconciliation.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Celebration Midweek - January 15

I'm a 21st-er! Huh? Let me explain.  For me, winter is already over! After December 21, the daylight hours of each day grow longer until June 21, the longest day of the year! For someone who loves the sun, this is a wonderful thing! Even though the gloomy grip of winter is strong and will continue for a time, I anticipate the final end of a long winter and the soothing warmth of a West Michigan Summer! In the middle of a cold and dreary Michigan winter, be assured that the end of winter will certainly come! Let me know if you have the intended sermon application?

1. Upcoming Events:

- Baked Potato Bar, Sunday January 26 at Noon - After the worship service we will have lunch together! Yay, food! Sign up at the info booth to bring something to add to the meal.
- Oasis Family Sledding Party, February 1 from 2:00-4:00PM - Come with your children and enjoy a fun day of sledding, talking, and snacks. Contact Julie Bergman for more details.
- Annual Wild Game Dinner, Saturday, February 22 -
Are there men in your life who need the love of Christ and other Godly men? Consider inviting them to this event! If you are interested in cooking for this event or helping prepare. Please see Roger Doctor.Baked Potato

2. Layette Ministry - Will not meet this Monday as advertised but will meet next month. Continue to pray for this ministry and help support them by bringing to church: soap, shampoo, diapers, and new or gently used clothes. Contact Kathy Meyer for more details.

3. Next Steps Class Starts February 2 - We will meet after church with food (YAY!) before we dig in to what Celebration Church is all about and what your "next steps" could be here. Contact Pastor Matt for more details.

4. Sunday - Some people say, "I love Jesus but I can't stand the church!" What is the purpose and role of the church? Why should I join one and how do I know if I am in the right church? (Matthew 16:13-20)

5. Small Groups - The focus with small groups at Celebration is "Growing Closer to God and Growing Closer to Others". We are starting new small groups at the end of January. If you are interested in doing life with others in a group, contact Brenda Swanson or Pastor Matt.

6. Prayers - Please pray for:
- Lily,the granddaughter of Sue Weston cousin of Nancy Bosma. Lily was diagnosed with Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
- Holly's friend Kristi Monette who had a very large cyst removed from her ovary. The biopsy results showed that she is cancer free!
- Join in prayer warriors around the country in praying for 1 minute each night at 9:00 PM Eastern Time for the safety of the United States and for a return to a Godly nation.
- For the many unspoken or unknown prayer requests of people that need God's help to overcome the obstacles in their life.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Celebration Midweek - January 9

The chill may have put us back a few days but we are back at it now! It may even be 30's this weekend! Woot! Woot!
Here are a few things to keep you warm this week.

  1. Movie Night, Friday, January 10 - Tomorrow night at 7pm we will be watching the movie, “I Am” here at Celebration. Come out for fun, fellowship and popcorn! Here is the movie trailer:

2. Baked Potato Bar, Sunday January 26 at Noon - After the worship service we will have lunch together! Yay, food! Sign up at the info booth to bring something to add to the meal.

3. Sunday - Our souls long for it. Some people fear it but nothing can ever take the place of it. It can be all around you but you can still miss out on it. Invite someone Sunday as we talk about God's presence! (Exodus 33)

wild_game_dinnersm4. Annual Wild Game Dinner - Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 22 for our annual men’s event. Are there men in your life who need the love of Christ and other Godly men? Consider inviting them to this event! If you are interested in cooking for this event or helping prepare. Please see Roger Doctor.

5. Prayers - It is an awesome thing to lift up to God our needs and the requests of others. Here are some new prayer updates. Please pray for:
- Paula Espinoza's friend, Carla, whose latest scan results shows that the lesions they detected a couple of months ago are just scar tissue. So great news!
- Phil Pressotto (friend of the Schossau's) who continues to battle with cancer. He will need surgery on January 10 because the cancer is affecting a facial nerve.
- Those who require surgery soon.
- For the continued building progress at Celebration that we may be mindful of what God would like to do with our facilities!
- Jayson Kozal, a friend of the Eenigenburg's, , whose grandpa died this week.
- Roger Doctor (policeman) who had a stent put into one of his arteries this past week. He needs to lay low for a while.
- Duane Gray who officially started his own security business this past week!
- Those who are fighting the post holidays funk.
- Continue to pray for the leadership at Celebration.
- The snowplow driver who was over-busy during the latest round of snow.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137