Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Celebration Midweek - Sept. 27

A.W. Tozer writes, "Everything is safe which we commit to God, and nothing is safe which is not committed." Don't we often hold so tightly to things that clutter our lives and distract us from God? We call them "mine" and we cherish them even more than people. They are so priceless and important to us, more important than what God wants for us. Isn't it time to commit them to God to use or discard as he wishes? It is only then that our things will find their designed place and true value in our lives.

1. Events - 
- Annual Carnival, Saturday, September 27, 1:00 PM - Make sure that you have signed up to participate in this great event.
- Youth Ministries, tonight, at 6:30PM - Our ministries to children age 4 through 8th grade continues each Wednesday at Calvin Church. Contact Pastor Matt for more info. HIGH SCHOOL students will meet this Sunday from 6:00-8:30 PM at Calvin Church.
- Vision Team Meeting, October 6

- Ironman Men's Group, October 14
- Annual Chili Cook-Off, October 26

2. Strong Muscles NeededDo you like to shovel dirt?? If so, please consider donating your muscle-power to help dig out a buckling basement wall of one of the Community Encompass housing units! Call Kimi at 231.288.9403.

3. Volunteer Reading Mentor - Can you spare an hour a week during the school day to help young readers? Consider becoming a reading mentor at Lakeside Elementary School. Contact Pastor Matt for more information.

4. Sunday - Why do we get a marriage license when it seems like we need a learner's permit after the wedding day? We have so much to learn and protect. Join us as we continue our series on Guardrails with "Me and the Mrs." (Proverbs 27:12)

5. Prayers - Please take time to pray for:
- Muskegon County and everyone working together to bring God's peace to it!
- Judy Irish's Mom's surgery went fairly well Monday afternoon. They put a rod from her hip down to her knee and put in plates, pins and screws to fix her femur. There will be much therapy to follow.
- Mitch Brink (Charlene Beck's brother) fell off a ladder this week and was kept overnight at the hospital for a probable concussion, bumps, and bruises.
- Brian Vredevoogd as he continues to recover from his fall from a ladder.
- Lacey Kremmel's (Hentschel) husband who is having serious back issues.
- Steve DuRose' mom, Joyce, who is not doing well. Her cancer is back and spreading.
- Duane Schultz's co-worker was hit last week by a car while he was on a moped. He is on a long road of recovery.
- Bill Essenberg's prostate cancer has returned.
- Terry Lacy's sister is now cancer free!
- The family of Case Admiraal with his passing on Saturday. The funeral will be tonight (Wednesday) at the 1st CRC in Fremont.
Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Celebration Midweek - Sept. 17

Andrew Murray writes in his book "Lord, Teach Us To Pray": "To be alone in secret with the Father: this be your highest joy. To be assured that the Father will openly reward the secret prayer, so that it cannot remain unblessed: this be your strength day by day." May you be blessed in God's presence today!

1. Annual Carnival, Saturday, September 27, 1:00 PM - Make sure that you have signed up to participate in this great event. We will distribute flyers on:
* Thursday (Sept. 18) at 6:30 PM from church.
* Monday (Sept. 22) at 6:30 PM from Ross Park.
Contact Julie for more details.

2. Youth Ministries, Wednesday, September 10 at 6:30PM - Our ministries to children age 4 through 8th grade continues each Wednesday at Calvin Church. Contact Pastor Matt for more info. HIGH SCHOOL students meet each Sunday from 6:00-8:30 PM at Calvin Church.

3. Pray Muskegon - Remember to pray for Muskegon and our county on the 24th. We ask God to change the hearts of people and to use us in the process of renewing our communities! Sign up for your time at the info booth.

4. Glenside Annual Halloween Party, Saturday, Oct. 25 - They are in need of volunteers to help out at the event. If you can help, please call, text or e-mail Jenn Cole at (231) 563-6749 or

5. Sunday - It is difficult to recover from the damage of sexual disasters. Join us Sunday as we discuss the need of guardrails in this area. (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)

6. Prayers - Please take time to pray for:
- Rick Zambon (grandson of Thelma's brother Tom Cook) who has adeno carcinoma and has a huge mass in his stomache. He will have surgery on Friday at Hackley Hospital.
- Those recovering from addictions. May God give them strength and friends to keep them focused on the wonderful life God has for them.
- Prayers of thanks from Darrold Pellegrom. He has been home recovering for awhile now & it's going quite well. Darrold & Lisa thank everyone for their prayers.
- Darla's mom would like to thank those who have prayed for her. She is getting good reports from her follow up with surgeon, but reading is a struggle & she's still pretty much shut in.
- Pastor Matt's former neighbor Judy had surgery last week to remove some growths on her ovaries. She is recovering and awaiting the tests of a growth they removed.
- Thanks for those who power washed the church this past week and cut the lawn recently. It is wonderful to see hard work change things to look beautiful again! 
- Marilee Schut after her foot surgery. Pray for healing as she will be at home recuperating for 4-6 weeks.
- Pastor Walt and Marcia send their thanks for prayers and loving concern for them and their Son-in-law and daughter. This has been a difficult season for them.
- Back to Church Sunday! Pray for those contemplating going back to church, for churches to show abundant love and grace, and that life commitments will be made as Jesus makes old lives into new.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

7 Things to Know This Week

I read this in a blog yesterday that seemed to fit this fall for many of us: "I see no problem in caring about football. But the man or woman who cares only about sports doesn't care about nearly enough." May we care about our favorite sports or (insert favorite activity) but care deeper about those who do not know Jesus! Dare to dig deeper than superficial and talk about the really important things in life!

1. Book Club, Wednesday, September 10, at 6:30 pm.  They meet TONIGHT at Pizza Ranch to discuss "Clair de Lune” by Jetta Carleton.

2. Annual Carnival, Saturday, September 27, 1:00 PM - This is one of our best outreach events. Sign up for dates to pass out flyers, donate candy, and work at one of the stations.

3. Youth Ministries, 
Wednesday, September 10 at 6:30PM - Our ministries to children age 4 through 8th grade starts TONIGHT at Calvin Church. Contact Pastor Matt for more info.

4. Pray Muskegon - Remember to pray for Muskegon and our county on the 24th. We ask God to change the hearts of people and to use us in the process of renewing our communities! Sign up for your time at the info booth.

5. Sunday - Rumor has it that we will have guardrails to go with our sermon series "Guardrails"! Thanks!  Invite a friend Sunday as we discuss how this impacts our friendships. (Proverbs 13:20)

6. BASICS For Babes, Wednesday, Sept.17th, 10AM - We will meet to put together baby gifts for our area moms in need. Please consider joining us! THANK YOU so much for all the donations to this ministry. Questions?? Call Sue DeBoer 744-6579 while Marilee is home healing.

7. Prayer - Please do not forget to pray for:
- Ruth Hinajosa's sister Rosie was recently diagnosed with the blood disease, Lupus.
- Reyes' mom, Zoila has been having pains in her legs.
- Keep praying for Christians around the world who are being persecuted.
- The family and friends of Robert Muhamed, the man who drowned in Muskegon Lake on Friday night.
- Ryan and Rebecca Hunt, daughter and son-in-law of Walt & Marcia Jones, lost their unborn baby this week.
- Marilee Schut for a successful surgery this coming Thursday on her foot.
- Those dealing with addictions and looking for God's strength to overcome the things that enslave them.
- Duane Gray has another left eye injection today and another throat biopsy tomorrow (9th). The doctors still do not know what is going on but hopefully they will find out soon.
- Our annual carnival is September 27. Pray that God will direct people to the event that need to be there.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


AW Tozer's book "The Pursuit of God" has quickly become my newest favorite! "The impulse to pursue God originates with God, but the outworking of that impulse is our following hard after Him; and all the time we are pursuing Him we are already in His hand." I love God's grace that holds us, leads us, guides us, and saves us!

1. Iron Man Men's Group, 
Tuesday, Sept. 9 at 7:00PM -  Our men's group starts up this fall at church next week. Men, this is your group!

2. Annual Carnival, Saturday, Sept. 27, 1:00 PM - This is one of our best outreach events. Sign up for dates to pass out flyers, donate candy, and work at one of the stations.

3. Hike For the Hungry, October 11, 9-11AM - This event at Heritage Landing joins 3 great charities: Muskegon Rescue Mission, Love INC and Catholic Charities. Register at the website and join Celebration's group!

4. Youth Ministries - Our ministries to children age 4 through 8th grade starts next Wednesday, September 10 at 6:30PM at Calvin Church. Contact Pastor Matt for more info. Get ready, get set...

5. Sunday - Join us Sunday as we start a new series titled "Guardrails" based on a book by Andy Stanley. (Ephesians 5:15-18)

6. Prayers - Please pray for:
- September 21 is National Back to Church Sunday. Invite a friend!
- Jim Ring's dad recently fell and broke his hip. He also has gall stones, a blood clot in the lung, and had a heart attack. WOW!
- Bob Jackson's amd Amie Anderson's job interviews this week. Pray for God's will and direction.
- Darla's mom is doing quite well post surgery. Surgeon said "we got it all in the nic of time." Her biggest struggles now are not being able to drive or read.
- Carla Eenigenburg's Aunt Ruth who had her gall bladder removed on Wednesday.
- Those coming back to church after a summer (or more) away. May God give them what they need!
- A HUGE prayer of praise for the Baird's friend Darrold Pellegrom who had open heart surgery last Thursday. They were able to successfully repair his damaged heart valve, and every day he's doing a little better & will be able to go home soon.
- Kim Rhodes stated, "I am very happy and blessed that my husband is cancer free." Bill recently went in for a colonoscopy and they found suspicious polyps. They were removed and the report last week that they were benign. Whew!
- Here is a note from the Pray Muskegon Team: "I know some could be discouraged with the shootings and murders that have happened this summer. I have had the opportunity to talk with a couple of law enforcement officers about this summer. One told me that they had been expecting a pretty big uprising from one of the gangs in the area for a few 
weeks, but it never materialized. I asked, "Why?" He said, "We don't know. It just didn't happen. We had heard stuff on the street, but nothing happened." Another officer told me that there had been some miraculous instances where people survived, that should have been dead, and those that were missed by bullets like the recently. Where a man fired 6 shoots at someone and none of them hit the target. So, we may see some things that could be discouraging, but on the other hand there seems to be some places that our law enforcement officials are seeing the hand of God in."

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137