Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Several people made comments about the song snippet I played during the Children's Message.  The song is "Come Thou Fount" which was written in 1757 by Robert Robinson.  The part that I sang was: "Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace."  What if every morning we woke with these words in our mouths?  Every follower of Jesus that wants to grow in their journey with Jesus asks him to "tune" their hearts so they sing the praises of God.  May you allow him to tune yours today.  Watch David Crowder sing it at 

1. Noteworthy Events 
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.  Join the journey through Corinth.
- Monday, Vision Team Meeting, 6:30PM.
- March 8, Fellowship Team Meeting after worship.  
- March 9, Council Meeting, 6:30PM at church.
- March 20, Family Game Night.  Friday is for games that the entire family will enjoy! Join us at 5:30PM for hot dogs followed by lots of games..

2.  Youth Ministries
- TONIGHT, Youth Ministries at Calvin Church6:30-8:00PM - (ages 4 years to 8th grade)  Little Peeps =  Lesson "Filled Full"; GEMS = Exercise badge night.  We will join the Zumba class; Cadets = Pinewood Derby cars. Don't forget the "Father/Son Potluck" on Tuesday, March 3; Middle School = Lesson "Daniel: The Invincible Visionary." Don't forget the "Intersect Lock-In" on March 13-14.
- SUNDAY, High School Youth Group at Calvin Church, 6:00-8:00PM.  Starts with dinner!

3. Lumberjacks Field Trip - Saturday, Feb. 28 at 7:15PM, Join us at the LC Walker Arena for a Lumberjacks Game and to pray for the people of Muskegon.  Wear your Celebration t-shirts and sweatshirts if you have them.  Enjoy the game, notice the people around you, pray for them during the game.  We will talk about this event at another time.

4. Prayers
- Pray that each believer at Celebration would know and understand their purpose, and calling in the Kingdom of God.  
- Pray for miracles to happen in families because only God can bring them peace.
- Pray for the unspoken problem in our lives that we need God's guidance and direction to resolve.
- Pray for the difficult people in our lives that make for tough days at work or at home.  Pray that God gives strength and grace to show love to them.
- Pray for family members who are not making good decisions.  
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world.
- Pray for renewal that is presently happening in the lives of people at Celebration. Pray for renewal to happen in all of our lives.
- Jenny Merritt's Grandma will be taken off life support as soon as the rest of the family arrives in town.
- Bob Jackson's girlfriend's son was in a car accident and is recovering.  Bob's brother in law is experiencing kidney failure and battling Leukemia at the same time.  Bob's sister is not taking it well.
- Pray for those who are experiencing grief from the loss of loved ones this year.
- We pray for those in abusive relationships that don't see a way out.
- Pray for Pastor Matt and family during their trip to MN this weekend.  May God provide his safety and grace .
- We pray for conflicts to be resolved and peace to be restored in several relationships.
- Pray for Roger Doctor will have hip surgery on March 16.
- Pray for Duane Blohm will have shoulder surgery on March 5.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Celebration Muskegon - Feb. 18

I get to help 1st grade students read!  They let me!  Lakeside Elementary allows their 1st grade students read to me 2X every week as a reading resource volunteer.  The fact that several of the students are far below 1st grade level is the reason I decided to volunteer in the first place.

Historically, colleges were established to prepare students for ministry.  Local schools were established to teach children to read so they could read their Bibles. Reading was for a purpose.

Today, if a child cannot read 340 words or 60 words per minute in first grade, they will be delayed in their other subjects too. They will drift even further behind going into 2nd grade and it will get worse each year unless corrected. The chance of them ever reading and comprehending their Bible diminishes each year. That is why reading is so important.

Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." It is the good news for everyone!  May you continue to read your Bible to find the light on your path and teach others to do the same. 

1. Noteworthy Events 
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.  Join us as we journey through Corinth.
- SUNDAY, The Small Group With No Name meets after church in the Oasis room.  

2.  Youth Ministries
- TONIGHT, Youth Ministries at Calvin Church6:30-8:00PM - (ages 4 years to 8th grade)  Little Peeps =  Lesson "Captain of the Storm"; GEMS = Lesson: "His Message in My Mess" and Craft Night; Cadets = Pinewood Derby cars. Parents are welcome to come and help; Middle School = Lesson "Elijah: The Get-R-Done Prophet."
- FRI-SUN, High School Winter Retreat.  Get more information from Brian Kingshott at
- SATURDAY, Oasis Winter Sledding Fest, 3:00-5:30PM.  Meet at Jim and Sandy Ring’s home to embrace the season with sledding and other winter games.  We will end the day with hot dogs and refreshments.  RSVP to Julie 231-286-9770 or Sharon 231-730-2768 so we know how much food to get.
- SUNDAY, High School Youth Group at Calvin Church, 6:00-8:00PM.  Starts with dinner!

3. Sunday  Hopefully you were able to worship last Sunday at home due to the nasty weather.  Sunday we will continue our new series "Something New".  Jesus gives us just 3 things to focus on if we want to follow him.  Sounds easy, doesn't it?  They are easy until you see how they impact every area of our life!  (Mark 8:31-38)

4. Construction - You may have noticed trucks at church during the week and other signs of activity in Phase 2.  That is because workers are preparing the building for construction!  Remember that the work will not be done quickly so we will need to be patient and accommodating.  There will be times to volunteer so sign up when you see the need.  Get ready, get set...

5. Other Announcements 
70X7 Life Recovery is having an "Explore Mentoring" session for Saturday, Feb 21, from 10:00-11:30AM at Jericho Rd Church (2808 S Milliron Rd, Muskegon, MI 49444).  70x7 Life Recovery in Muskegon provides mentoring components for Ex-Offenders In Transition (EXIT).  EXIT is serving young men and fathers from Muskegon who are at risk of long-term and generational incarceration without a major change in their lives.  Please RSVP Joe Whalen at

6. Prayers
- Christians around the world who are being persecuted and/or killed simply because they follow Jesus.  Pray for boldness and God's grace as they remain lights in a very spiritually dark world.
- Missionaries in Haiti,  Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Nepal ask for prayers for political stability in the countries where they serve. In some cases, violent protests have hindered regular ministry.  Pray for safety for missionaries in these countries. Pray for honest and fair leadership during times of election and political unrest.
- For the VanderHart family at the loss of Pastor Matt's pastor friend to cancer on Sunday.  It has been great to hear that their church has been full of love, grace, and compassion to the family.
- That there would be no divisions among us, but that we would be perfectly joined together in the same mind and judgment.
- That each believer at Celebration would know and understand their purpose, and calling in the Kingdom of God.  
- For miracles to happen in families because only God can bring them peace.
- For successful job interviews and employment that glorifies God.
- Lilia's father in the Ukraine is 78 years young and in the early stages of dementia.  He is struggling. Pray that he does not suffer.
- For the unspoken problem in our lives that we need God's guidance and direction to resolve.
- For the difficult people in our lives that make for tough days at work or at home.  Pray that God gives strength and grace to show love to them.
- For family members who are not making good decisions.  
- For those driving on the roads during winter that God would keep them safe.
- For Duane Blohm who is experiencing severe shoulder pain lately.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Celebration Mid-Week - Feb. 11

I have been holding my breath for the last few weeks when I open my email from Caring Bridge.  My friend is dying from cancer and his time on earth is nearly up.  I am sad for his family, for my old church in MN, and for me as I lose a friend.  There are no words that can make this all go away or make it easy.  

My comfort in this journey has been Psalm 13:5-6.  After David asks God what he is going to do about his tough situation, he reflects with these words: "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.  I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me."  

Hopefully we can trust that our God knows what he is doing and know for certain that he has been good to us.  Personally, God gave me many good years of ministry with my friend.  I look forward to seeing him again one day.  So I say my goodbyes to my friend with a mix of sadness and comfort in my heart, "Till we meet again."

1. Events 
- TONIGHT, Youth Ministries at Calvin Church6:30-8:00PM - (ages 4 years to 8th grade)  Little Peeps =  Lesson "Nicodemus--Being Born Again!"; GEMS = "Lesson: In a Word” and Valentine Craft; Cadets = Marshmallow Guns; Middle School = Lesson "Solomon: The Ambitious Son".
- Friday, Celebration Game Night, 7:00PM at church.  
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.  Join us as we journey through Corinth.
- Sunday, Worship Service10:30AM!
- Sunday, The Seekers Small Group meets after church in the Oasis room.  
- Sunday, High School Youth Group at Calvin Church, 6:00-8:00PM.  Starts with dinner!
Feb. 18, Basics for Babes, 10:30AM at Church.
- Feb. 20-22, High School Winter Retreat
- Feb. 21, Oasis Winter Sledding Fest, 3:00-5:30PM.

2.  World Missions - Attached is a letter from Christian Reformed World Missions.  We support this great work to bring Jesus to those who don't know him.  Read and marvel at how God is changing hearts all over the world!

3. Leaders Wanted - We have so many leaders at Celebration!  You know them too.  Help us by nominating some people you know who would be a great servant leader during this exciting year to come.  Send your nominees to Tom Dunning at

4. Oasis Winter Sledding Fest, February 21, 3:00-5:30PM at Jim and Sandy Ring’s home. Embrace the season with sledding and other winter games.  We will end the day with hot dogs and refreshments.  RSVP to Julie 231-286-9770 or Sharon 231-730-2768 so we know how much food to get.

5. Basics for Babes- We are in need of everything to keep going. This includes: newborn diapers, lotion, baby wash, wipes, bibs, receiving blankets, crib blankets, onesies, sleepers & outfits. Some of these items can be picked up at resale stores if they are in good condition.  FYI – Valueland has ½ price on the last Tuesday of the month. Thank-you for your contributions.

6. Sunday  We continue our new series "Something New".  Jesus gives us just 3 things for a "NEW Focus" if we want to follow him.  Easy!  They are easy until they impact every area of our life!  (Mark 8:31-38)

7. Prayers
- Missionaries in Haiti,  Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Nepal ask for prayers for political stability in the countries where they serve. In some cases, violent protests have hindered regular ministry.  Pray for safety for missionaries in these countries. Pray for honest and fair leadership during times of election and political unrest.
- Summer plans can fill up quickly and CRWM has a number of opportunities to serve.
- That there would be no divisions among us, but that we would be perfectly joined together in the same mind and judgment.
- That each believer at Celebration would know and understand their purpose, and calling in the Kingdom of God.  
- Pray for Pastor Matt and Carla and all of the other leaders at Celebration.
- For miracles to happen in families because only God can bring them peace.
- For successful job interviews and employment that glorifies God.
- Lilia's father in the Ukraine is 78 years young and in the early stages of dementia.  He is struggling. Pray that he does not suffer.
- For the unspoken problem in our lives that we need God's guidance and direction to resolve.
- For the difficult people in our lives that make for tough days at work or at home.  Pray that God gives strength and grace to show love to them.
- For family members who are not making good decisions.  
- For Patti Lacy's friend Bob who does not have a tumor as feared. He has an infection that the doctor feels will respond to treatment.  Patti has an appointment on Tuesday for her knee. She is experiencing a lot of pain.
- For those driving on the roads during winter that God would keep them safe.
- For Duane Blohm who is experiencing severe shoulder pain lately.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

6 Things to Know This Week

The famous ground hog, Punxsutawney Phil, saw it's shadow and therefore predicted 6 more weeks of winter.  That takes us to mid April!  Wikipedia states that Punxsutawney Phil is right 39% of the time.  Doesn't matter to me since I have embraced Winter this year.  However, when it comes to important predictions, I like a more reliable source like the Bible.  
Jesus was the fulfillment of 353 Bible predictions made hundreds of years to his birth.  The accuracy rate is astounding!  Even more, the Bible predicts that one day Jesus will come again and separate followers of Jesus from followers of themselves.  There will be pleasant or unpleasant destinations for each and great surprises in many cases.  
Punxsutawney Phil may sometimes guess right on the weather but I am relying on what the accuracy of the Bible and what it says about Jesus!

1. Movie Night, Friday at 7:00PM, This Friday we will show the movie "Heaven is For Real!" at church.  Rumor has it that Doug is making popcorn again!

2.  Sunday  We continue our new series "Something New".  Jesus takes every area of our lives and makes something incredible, something new of it.  Sunday we look at our transformation of our OLD LIFE to this NEW LIFE through Jesus.  (2 Cor. 5:17; John 21)

3. Leaders Wanted - We have so many leaders at Celebration!  You know them too.  Help us by nominating some people you know who would be a great servant leader during this exciting year to come.  Send your nominees to Tom Dunning at

4. Oasis Winter Sledding Fest, February 21, 3:00-5:30PM at Jim and Sandy Ring’s home. Embrace the season with sledding and other winter games.  We will end the day with hot dogs and refreshments.

5. Prayers
- Missionaries in Haiti,  Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Nepal ask for prayers for political stability in the countries where they serve. In some cases, violent protests have hindered regular ministry.  Pray for safety for missionaries in these countries. Pray for honest and fair leadership during times of election and political unrest.
- Summer plans can fill up quickly and CRWM has a number of opportunities to serve.
- That there would be no divisions among us, but that we would be perfectly joined together in the same mind and judgment.
- That each believer at Celebration would know and understand their purpose, and calling in the Kingdom of God. 
- Pray for Pastor Matt and Carla and all of the other leaders at Celebration.
- For miracles to happen in families because only God can bring them peace.
- For successful job interviews and employment that glorifies God.
- Lilia's father in the Ukraine is 78 years young and in the early stages of dementia.  He is struggling. Pray that he does not suffer.
- For the unspoken problem in our lives that we need God's guidance and direction to resolve.
- For the difficult people in our lives that make for tough days at work or at home.  Pray that God gives strength and grace to show love to them.
- For family members who are not making good decisions.  
- For Patti Lacy's friend Bob who does not have a tumor as feared. He has an infection that the doctor feels will respond to treatment.  Patti has an appointment on Tuesday for her knee. She is experiencing a lot of pain.
- For those driving on the roads during winter that God would keep them safe.
- For Duane Blohm who is experiencing severe shoulder pain lately.

6. Events 
- TONIGHT, Youth Ministries at Calvin Church, 6:30-8:00PM - (ages 4 years to 8th grade)  Little Peeps =  Lesson "A Little Girl and a Poor Frail Lady"; GEMS = Badge Night: Cooking Badge Please wear your hair up and be ready to get cooking. We will be baking and enjoying mini pizzas while earning our badge; Cadets = Winter Derby Practice; and Middle School = "David: The Flawed & Beloved King."
- TONIGHT, Book Club - Meet at 6:30PM at Panera Bread. The book this month is "Beautiful Ruins" by Jess Walter.
- Thursday, Denominational Classis Meeting at Reeman CRC.  Tom Dunning and Pastor Matt will attend.
- Friday, Movie Night, 7:00PM, "Heaven is For Real!"  
- Fri-Sun, Middle School Winter Retreat
- Saturday, Cadet Winter Derby
- Sunday, Adult Sunday School, 9:00AM in the Nursery.  Join us as we journey through Corinth.
- Sunday, Worship Service, 10:30AM!
- Sunday, Fellowship Team Meeting, after the worship Service.
- Sunday, The New Small Group meets after church in the Oasis room.  
- Sunday, High School Youth Group at Calvin Church, 6:00-8:00PM.  Starts with dinner!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.                            
Muskegon, MI 49441
Like us on Facebook!
(231) 571-4137