Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Celebration Midweek - September 25

Check out these important announcements for this week!

1. Carnival - Saturday, Sept. 28, 1-4PM.  This is one of our best events for people who don't know much about Celebration. Here is what you can do: 1) Invite a friend or neighbor! 2) Help set up at 12:30PM on Saturday. 3) Show up and have a great time!

2. Group Life - The luncheon was a wonderful event to highlight our groups at Celebration. As much as possible, we want to be more than a Sunday church. Doing life with a group helps! If you would still like to be in a group this fall, contact Brenda Swanson, Pastor Matt, or Marc Baird.

3. Facebook? - Churches are normally not good at communication. Actually, they are terrible at it! We have the bulletin on Sunday, the weekly email too. For more information on upcoming events and other fun things, go to our Facebook page and "like" it.

4. Sunday - We all long to be powerful or influential in our own way. Sunday we will continue our Choices series from the book of Proverbs that gives us God's wisdom to help us "Lead a Life of Influence". (Proverbs 11:30; 2 Timothy 3:10-15; Proverbs 24:11-12)

5. Prayers - Here's the prayer list from Sunday. Please pray for:
- Nancy Bosma's friend Julie. Her mom has suffered a stroke.
- Our Nation, especially our leaders.
- Those who are still searching for work.
- Those who are struggling with difficult family issues. 

- Natalie Sims for a new job, a new start and strength. 
- The groups that will be starting soon: Iron Man Men's Group, Apologetics Group, Book Club, and the traditional Small Groups.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441

(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Celebration Midweek, Wednesday, September 18 (Hump Day)

While some dislike him I truly enjoy the camel who asks people what day it is. Hump Day! Whoot! Whoot! Maybe I am just easily entertained!  But I do know that it is another day God gave me life. That is what I excited about!  AND, since it is Wednesday and there are 4 important things to know for this week!

1. Doggie Pedal - September 21 (Saturday) at 4PM - We will start at Cafe USA (2020 Lakeshore Dr) for a beautiful bike trip to Heritage Landing and back. Then, we will enjoy some food at a Muskegon favorite: Max & Marley's! This is a perfect event for kids and adults! Join us for food even if you don't want to bike!

2.Small Group Kickoff Potluck - September 22 (Sunday) at Noon - We want to be more than just a "Sunday Church!" Purposeful groups will help! So, meet after Sunday Worship for a meal and conversation about your involvement in a group this fall. BRING: a salad or dessert to pass. We will have pasta for all and some hotdogs for the kids! Everyone is welcome!

3. Celebration's Carnival - September 28 from 1-4PM - This is our wonderful community event for the fall. Here is a link you can share to invite your friend!

4. Prayers - When a believing person prays great things happen! Thank you team for your commitment to prayer. Here are our requests for the week.
- For Ruth Hinojosa's mother. She is not doing well physically.
- For Marilee Schut as she undergoes testing for health issue. Pray that they find the cause of these issues.
- For John Warner and his family as he lost his mother this past week. John is Rob Ribbens' supervisor.
- For so many people who have suffered from the loss of someone they have loved in the last few months.
- For those searching for Christ and that we all seek after Him with our whole hearts.
- For the success of our small group kick-off next Sunday. So many people need a connection to positive Christ loving people in their lives.
- For Eric Fifolt who was in a workplace accident that busted a tooth and his lip.
- For Nancy Bosma who needs an MRI to determine if there is a fracture in the joint of her finger.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Thursday, September 12, 2013

7 Things to Know this Week

1. Welcome Back - It was great to see everyone last Sunday! What a full house! This Sunday, September 15, is the "official" Welcome Back to Church Sunday. There may be even more guests this week who will worship with us. Remember to take 5 minutes and welcome those unfamiliar to you. A good starting line: "I'm not sure I know you. I am..."

2. Doggie Pedal - On September 21 (Saturday) at 4PM, Start at Cafe USA (2020 Lakeshore Dr) for a beautiful bike trip to Heritage Landing and back. Then, we will enjoy some food at a Muskegon favorite: Max & Marley's! This is a perfect event for kids and adults!

3. Small Group Kickoff Potluck - September 22 at Noon - We want to be more than just a "Sunday Church!" Purposeful groups will help! So, meet after Sunday Worship for a meal and conversation about your involvement in a group this fall. BRING: a salad or dessert to pass. We will have pasta for all and some hotdogs for the kids! Everyone is welcome!

4. Celebration's Carnival - September 28 from 1-4PM - This is our wonderful community event for the fall. We know you will be there but let Julie know so she can assign a great place for you!

5. Adult Education Class, Sundays at 9:00AM - Relevant? The Apostle Paul wrote his letters to Timothy, a young pastor in a port town much like Muskegon. Paul's encouragement and wisdom is exactly what we need to deal with the same issues in our world today!

6. Sunday - This one may be for all of us! How does one manage their mouth and keep from hurting others with the words they use? How does one instead build up others and bring healing to their lives? Invite a friend who needs this too! (Proverbs 16:23-24; Proverbs 18:6-7)

7. Prayers - Here are a few prayer concerns from the communication cards on Sunday. Please pray for:
- A peaceful resolution to the issues in Syria and our discernment as a nation to deal with this conflict and others around the world.
- Encouragement to Deb Straley's Grandson, Brett in battling the struggles of high school and daughter Pancha, in her battles with being overwhelmed and depressed.
- Please pray for our soldiers.
- Prayers are needed for those suffering from addiction and those trying to break free from the prison of their addictions.
- Bill Essenberg asks for prayer for Barb Essenberg, she is in the hospital.
- For those who are looking for a home church, many who have worshiped at Celebration recently. Pray that they are led to where God wants them to grow.
- Please pray for our family members who do not know Christ.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Celebration Midweek - September 4

It might be a few weeks before the rush of the school schedule levels off. Until then, here are 4 important things to know for this week!

1. Calendar items:
- Sept. 21, 4:00PM - Doggie Peddle - Start at Cafe USA and bike to Heritage Landing and back. Then, enjoy some food at a Muskegon favorite: Max & Marley's! 

- Sept. 22, Noon - Small Group Kickoff Potluck - We want to be more than just a "Sunday Church!" Purposeful groups will help! So, meet after Sunday Worship for a meal and conversation about your involvement in a group this fall. BRING: a salad or dessert to pass. We will have pasta for all and some hotdogs for the kids! Everyone is welcome!
- Sept. 28, 1-4PM - Carnival - This is our great community event for the fall. Sign up to be a part of it!


2. Sunday - Have you ever thought of wisdom as a choice? People choose to be either wise or foolish? Sunday we begin a series from Proverbs called "Choices". Invite a friend who needs to hear the "Wonder of Wisdom" (Proverbs 2:1-11)

3. Prayers since Sunday - Please pray for:
- Darla and Marc's good friend Scott is very sick and being tested for Liver Cirrhosis. 
- A new job. 
- The new marriage of Ryenn and Matt Dixon, friends of the Ribbens and the Bosmas.
- Paula Espinoza's brother Jim as he recovers from back surgery.
- Reyes' sister Joyce she is suffering from some medical problems. Prayer of praise for Reyes' niece and daughters who are recovering well after a car accident. 

4. Welcome Back! - Sunday, September 15, is Welcome Back to Church Sunday. I think I understand the purpose but I was puzzled by this event. Celebration does this every week! Celebration seems to be a safe haven for those who have been wayward and need to come back: to come back to Jesus and come back a community of his people, the church. So invite someone to come back this week and every week. Show them the grace, hope, and love of Jesus that is worth coming back for.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137