Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Midweek at Celebration

Here are 4 things that you need to know this week!

1. Wild Game Dinner - Don't forget this annual event on Saturday, March 16! It is geared for men and boys of hunting age. Contact Roger if you have more questions.

2. Meeting Needs - Churches have the distinct challenge of helping meet the various needs of its people. Not only spiritual needs but physical, emotional, and even financial. To help us do this better, the Elders put all of our members into 4 care districts. We hope that you will notice the difference! The specific districts are arranged by last names.
A-C = Tim
D-K = Marc
L-R = Steve
S-Z = Sue

3. New Series - Wish that someone would summarize for you all that you really need to know in life? Our next series of Sunday messages will focus on the essentials in life that you cannot do without! Invite someone who needs to hear it!

4. Drama at Celebration: this morning the snowplow driver cracked the water pipe in the parking lot and it started gushing water. Turns out that no one could find a shut off valve! It was wonderful to see Bobby, Jim, and Rob spring into action! One thing is sure: we definitely need a bigger, better boat (with a shutoff valve)!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Celebration Midweek

There are always many things to put in the weekly email. Here are 6 of the top things that you should know this week!

1. Wild Game Dinner - On Saturday, March 16, our Men's group will host our annual Wild Game Dinner. Sign up at the information booth so that we can have enough food prepared. Men and boys of hunting age are welcome. And as always, everyone goes home with a prize!

2. Marriage Seminar - Fifth Reformed Church is hosting a Family Life "Art of Marriage" seminar on Friday and Saturday, March 8-9. Personally I highly recommend it! Cost is $40. Contact Pastor Matt for more details.

3. Next Steps Class - We have a full class! Please pray that we would grow together as a group and discover what our next steps are at Celebration.

4. Prayers - This winter has taken it's toll on the health of many people from Celebration, and many that we know and love. We pray for renewed health.

5. Upgrade: Work Life - It's just a job, right? What if our work was more important than that? Invite a friend to find out how God wants to upgrade our work life! (Ephesians 6:5-9)

6. Who are we? - Someone asked me this week whether we were a "missionary church", one that is specifically geared for people who are not presently associated with any church. My first thought was, "Aren't all churches?" Then I thought that most churches probably aren't. It is more about maintaining the structure than leading people to meet Jesus face to face. May we at Celebration continue to be about ALL people encountering Jesus, whether they attend another church or not!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Here are 6 things to know for this week:

1. Next Steps Class - We have a full class! Please pray that we would grow together as a group and discover what our next steps are at Celebration.

2. Prayers - David: dad with cancer; Steve: neck pain that may require surgery; Matt, Donna, Maddie, Sam: that they may find a church home in Kalamazoo; Holly: severe back pain from shoveling snow; the future of Celebration Church; friends that have walked away from Jesus; marriages that only Jesus can save; unspoken prayer requests from our hearts that only God knows.

3. Marriages - To follow up from the message on Sunday, here is an article that was helpful for me in getting the hang of this idea of Biblical Submission in marriage.

4. Marriage Seminar - Fifth Reformed Church is hosting a Family Life "Art of Marriage" seminar on Friday and Saturday, March 8-9. Personally I highly recommend it! Cost is $40. Contact Pastor Matt for more details.

5. Upgrade: Family - One of the most challenging areas for us is our family life. This Sunday, invite a friend to hear what God wants to do in theirs! (Ephesians 6:1-4)

6. Impact -  I met with some area pastors on Wednesday and again was filled with a desire to be part of a concerted effort to impact Muskegon. Our town is overflowing with so much brokenness and dysfunction. I know that this year we as a church will step up and do our part to bring Jesus to our area of Muskegon. That is what I love about my church!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd. 
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Celebration Midweek

Here are 7 things that you should know this week.
  1. Movie Night Rescheduled - The snow was too much last week so we rescheduled the movie "October Baby" to Friday, February 8, 7:00PM!  (We will inform everyone by 4PM if the weather dictates that we cancel the event...again.)
  2. Classis Muskegon - I will be at Classis today, our grouping of area CRC churches. Please pray for wisdom and unity.
  3. Friendships - Following up from the sermon on friendships last Sunday, here is a link to a great article you may find helpful. It has many of the details that time did not allow me to talk about.
  4. Recovering - Please be in prayer for those who have been through recent surgeries (Fred S. and Marilee S.) as they recover.  Let us know if you are aware of others that are recovering that we did not list.
  5. Next Steps Class - Sunday, February 17 we will start a "New Members" class after the morning worship. This class is geared for anyone wanting to take that their next steps in involvement at Celebration. Contact Pastor Matt if you are interested.
  6. Sunday - What does the Bible say about upgrading your marriage? We are going to look at the 9 words that will change your marriage forever! (Ephesians 5:21-33) Invite a friend who is looking for this answer!
  7. Elder Districts - I am so proud of our elders who continue to raise their leadership game. We have divided the people of Celebration into 4 districts or groups that the elders will "care" for. Contact Pastor Matt or your elder if you have questions. The groups are listed by last names with the corresponding elder.
    • A-C = Tim Bosma
    • D-K = Marc Baird
    • L-R = Steve Stout
    • S-Z = Sue Vredevoogd

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137