Thursday, October 31, 2013

Celebration Midweek - October 31

I heard the best illustration last night of how we are like carved pumpkins!  The GEMS girls club leader Courtney Kingshott spoke how God specifically chooses us, takes out all of the messiness in our heart, shapes us how he wishes us to be, and then puts us on display for the world to see as his masterpiece.  Remember that you are more than a pumpkin; you are a masterpiece for God!

Here are 5 other things you should know!

1. More Time? - Adjust your clock Saturday night for the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. This doesn't get you more time but we "Fall back" one hour! On the other hand, don't adjust your clocks and get to church early so you can participate in the Adult Sunday School! Yea!

2. Events:
Sunday, November 10, Annual Chili Cook-Off -
Do you like a little friendly competition? Sign-up for our annual Chili Cook-off. The chilies will be judged by our congregation with categories in white and red chili. The sign-up sheet is at the information booth!!
Christmas for LoveINC family - Stay tuned for more details for how you can be involved in making a good Christmas for someone else this year!
P.S. Congrats to Anika E-burg who won the Pumpkin Carving Contest. I am sure that the sight of one pumpkin eating another was the scariest thing ever! Thanks Amie for pulling this all together!

3. Sunday - Being happy is a dream for many people. They haven't been happy in years. Invite a friend to hear how our pursuit of happiness starts and ends with Jesus! (Psalm 37:1-6)

4. Thanks - I, Pastor Matt, would like to thank you, my Celebration Church family, for all of the love you have lavished on me since arriving in Michigan but especially during this past month. The gifts, kind words, and hugs during Pastor Appreciation Month remind me of how good God and his people have been to me. Thanks so much!

5. Prayers - Here are our prayer requests from Sunday:
- John Grabinski has an abscessed tooth.
- Lori Eaton, friend of Cheryl Ferguson, will undergo Chemo and radiation therapy for breast cancer.
- Tim Bosma's sister Robin Busch. They are starting Chemo and radiation to shrink the cancer in her esophagus before they do surgery to remove it.
- Jessie Ribbens as she recovers from oral surgery to have 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed.
- Prayer of praise for our Celebration family as we grow in Christ and with each other.
- Evan Bluhm, friend of Jessie Ribbens, he is suffering from a concussion.
- Pastor Matt has a pulled calf muscle. (It's tough getting old!)
- Pray for the people in family relationships that are strained or broken.
- Thank you from Ruth Hinojosa for all of your prayers for her mother. She is expected to live 6 months to a year. Please continue to pray for God's grace and blessings and her peace of mind on this journey.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Celebration Midweek - October 23

Hey Celebration!
I am pumped! Here's why: the nursery is getting too small to hold the Adult Education class each Sunday morning. The Iron Man Men's Group needs extra chairs to get everyone at the table. The Wednesday Night "Defending Your Faith" Group may need to get a bigger home than the Ribben's to meet. We will fill the tables in the Oasis room this Sunday at noon with the newly formed small group.
This is exciting because God is moving in the hearts of the people of Celebration. People are searching for community. People long to grow deeper in their faith with Jesus. People yearn to be part of something that matters in eternity.
This is not a testimony to us. It is our God who puts these longings in the hearts of his people. I am excited to see where God is leading the people of Celebration who are seeking after the things that only our great God can provide!

Whew! That was a long-winded! Here are more things you should know:
1. Events:
Sunday, October 27, Pumpkin Contest! -
Bring your carved pumpkin to church Sunday for the contest! Stay for the contest judging and the caramel apples after the worship.
Sunday, November 10, Annual Chili Cook-Off - Do you like a little friendly competition? Sign-up for our annual Chili Cook-off. The chilies will be judged by our congregation with categories in white and red chili. The sign-up sheet is at the information booth!!

2. New Roof - We will be putting on a new roof in the next few weeks! Whew! We were running out of buckets! This initiates the start to the remodeling of phase 2. Yea God!

3. More Building Progress - Three architectural firms have decided to give Celebration a proposal on how they could help us design phase 2. These proposals are due Friday October 25. Then the committee must decide which firm would be the best fit to work on this project. Please be in prayer that the committee follows Gods leading on this selection process.

4. Sunday - Our next step in our Digging Deeper series deals with the very basic question of influence.  Who or what has the most influence in your life?  Your answer makes all the difference!   (Luke 18:17-31)

5. Prayers - Please pray for:
- Norm Peterman, father of Jamie, was admitted to Hackley Hospital recently with pneumonia and other issues.
- Steve DuRose's mom and is aunt who are both battling health issues. Steve's mom is in need of surgery.
- Continued prayer for Carla, friend of Paula Espinoza who was diagnosed with cancer. She is done with her treatments and they are awaiting test results.
- Prayer of praise. Brenda Swanson was in church Sunday and is recovering well from her surgery.
- Nancy and Tim Bosma's brother Rex and Sister Robin. Please keep them in prayer as they go through health issues.
- Praise God for his care of our loved ones!
- Jena as she is struggling in placement.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Embrace the Season - October 16

Wait a minute! Is Fall finally here? I was really enjoying the extended summer! However, if there is one thing that Minnesota weather taught me is that you must embrace each changing season. The alternative is that 6 months of the year you will be miserable! I don't think God meant us to bellyache and whine and waste our lives bemoaning the changes that come our way. Well, that was a long introduction to the important things to know for this week. Enjoy!

1. Event Planning! - The Fellowship Team meets this Sunday after the worship service upstairs in the loft. Keep them in prayers as they continue to plan for church-wide events.
October 27– Pumpkin Carving / Caramel Apple event
December - Adopting a family for Christmas.

2. November 10, Annual Chili Cook-Off - Do you like a little friendly competition? Sign-up for our annual Chili Cook-off. The chili will be judged by our congregation with categories in white and red chili. The sign-up sheet is at the information booth!!

3. Sunday - We at Celebration know that everyone has a past and many still hold on to the shame.  So much so that some people feel as if God could never love them because of the things they have done.  Invite a friend to church Sunday who needs to hear the answer to this question, "Does God Love Me?"

4. Sunday, October 27, 6:00PM, Reformation Day Worship Service - Everyone is invited to a community worship service at 1st CRC in Grand Haven featuring Dr. Neil Plantinga, President Emeritus of Calvin Theological Seminary and a well-known preacher and author. The Grand Haven Christian School Choir will sing, nursery is available, AND refreshments will be served following the service. For more information, go to   

5. Prayers Needed for:
- Mary Patton thanks everyone for their prayers during their recent doctor visit for Adele.
- Thelma's brother Herm has multiple ailments and is very week.
- Robin Busch, Tim Bosma's sister, who was diagnosed with stage 2 esophogeal cancer.
- Safety and good shooting for those participating in the various hunting expeditions this fall.
- Thanks that Cheryl Ferguson is feeling better.
- The unspoken and unpublicized requests on our hearts!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

6 Things at Celebration for October 9

Recently, someone asked me if other churches send out a weekly communication like ours. I didn't know but I did know that we need it. Churches are usually terrible at keeping people informed and involved in the life of the church. Hopefully this helps you and blesses your day!

1. Taco Bar This Sunday! - Great things happen when people share a meal together! Stay after the worship service for tacos! Bring a dessert to share because you can never have too many desserts!

2. Book Club on Tuesday October 29 - Meet at the Hearthstone at 6:30pm to discuss "The Fixer Upper" by Mary Kay Andrews.

3. Sunday - Once in a while don't you have deeper questions that nobody is talking about? These are those gnawing questions about your faith that you don't feel you can ask anybody? Join us Sunday when we will start a new series "Digging Deeper" where we get at your questions and more.

4. Communion on October 20 - We celebrate the Lord's Supper around every 6 weeks and it is a highlight for us. We invite you to clear away any "baggage" that stands between you and God so that you may celebrate in honesty and genuine friendship with God and others. It may be helpful to use Psalm 139:23-24 in your prayers this week: "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

5. Glenside Neighborhood Dumpster Day - This Saturday, October 12th is Dumpster Day at McGraft Park from 8:00 until Noon. If you have items to drop off or can help please contact Mr. Derbin at 231 206-3516 or

6. Prayers - We have some pressing concerns this week. Thank you for praying and loving others.
- For Max Nichols who lost his step-dad a short time ago.
- For Robin Busch, sister of Tim Bosma. She has had difficulty swallowing and now has cancer in her esophagus.
- For Patti Lacy to find a new job.
- For Karen Fischer who lost her best friend and husband, Dave this week.
- For Amie Anderson's aunt who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is having surgery on Wednesday.
- For Julie Anderson, friend of the Bosma's as her mom has passed away.
- For Brenda Swanson as she continues to heal from surgery.
- For Lilia DuRose as she recovers from oral surgery.
- For Tammy Postma, friend of the Ribbens, as she struggles in her marriage and prospective divorce.
- For Bobby Kenney as he is not feeling well.
- For our Nation!

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137

Friday, October 4, 2013

Celebration Midweek - October 4

Oh this is late in the week! Hopefully people check their email and blogs on the weekend!
1. Hymns - What is your favorite old hymns? Rob is looking to have a service soon of old hymns with a twist. Send him a note.

2. Sunday Night Worship - Be sure to pick up your tickets to "A Night of Worship" with Vertical Church Band, Matt Maher, and Meredith Andrews! We sing some of their songs at Celebration. The concert is Sunday, November 17th at 7pm. Here is the link to get your tickets! Tickets are free but a suggested donation is $15 in the offering.

3. Taco Bar - Sunday, October 13 - Stay after Sunday morning worship for lunch! It might be your best meal of the week!

4. Feedback? - The Vision Team will meet on Monday, October 7 at 6:30PM. Contact your elder if you have some items for them to discuss.

5. Sunday - Invite someone for worship on Sunday to hear about "Surviving Your Schedule".  It isn't too late to get off the runaway bus of busyness! (Proverbs 16:3, 9)

6. Prayers - Here are some requests since Sunday. Please pray for:
- Parents who are working through some stressful family issues.
- The team who is searching for an architect and construction company for Phase 2 building project.
- The Vision Team who meets on Monday night.
- Those who are recovering from recent surgeries.
- The groups that have just begun at Celebration.
- Tim Bosma's sister, Robin as she is having a procedure done to stretch her throat as she is having difficulty swallowing.
- Nancy Bosma's friend Julie. Her mother is suffering after having a stroke as is being cared for by hospice in Julie's home. 
- Prayer of praise! Ruth Hinojosa's mom is doing better.

Pastor Matt Eenigenburg
Celebration Community Church
1260 W. Sherman Blvd.
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 571-4137